Chapter 2: Loki

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the location of where Loki is in Germany, We came there in a few minutes, and Steve told me to blend in with the people to see where is Loki. "here is what he looks like, raven black hair, cropped short and wears green clothes' Steve added, I nodded my head and took the picture with me, just to remember what Loki looks like. I stole a blood red dress, red is my favorite color, 

 I stole a blood red dress, red is my favorite color, 

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I wander around, everyone looking at me. I saw Loki himself, green clothes, raven hair, and his hair is short.

 'Steve, I found him" I murmured into my earpiece. 'Good, I'll get him outta the building, you okay with that, Charlotte?" Steve asked.

 'no, not yet Steve" I replied to Steve. I kept looking at him, he was holding something in his hand, but I couldn't see it, All of a sudden he looked back at me.

 I looked away as fast I can, but I knew he saw me. he was walking past me and HIT a guard with his staff. he charged at a man and threw him on a stone table nearby, and took the thing he was hold out of his hand. it looked like a flashlight, but when Loki shook it, 3 stick things came out of it, then sharp things came out of it.

 I looked away in terror, closing my eyes as I heard the man scream. All the people rushed out, I was pushed and was thrown to the ground.

 Loki went right past me, he stopped a little, stooped right beside me and helped me up. 'no need to thank me, mortal" he smirked, he left quickly.

 I remembered the mission and ripped off the red dress. and got my daggers. I ran outside to see and MILLION Loki's! the real Loki was talking 'In the end, you will always kneel." I scanned the area and saw among the people an elderly man stand there.

 'Not to men like you" the man stammered, Loki smirked, "look to your elder, people' he pointed his spear at him, My heart stood still.

 "let him be an example' Loki continued, a shot sounded in the air, 'NOOOOOO" I screamed, I jumped In Front of the old man. I thought I'd be hit, but strangely, I wasn't. I looked up to see Captain America, 'next time, Charlotte, use the earpiece" steve mumbled to me.

 "The Soldier!' Loki sneered 'The man out of time" 'I'm not the one who's out of time" Cap said. then they began fighting, I made Loki trip and he tried to kick me, but I was too quick for that and leapt over his leg and kicked his chest. Or at least tried to, he kicked me back right in the face, my nose bled.

"OH THAT'S HOW YOU WANNA PLAY-' I couldn't finish my sentence, rock music was playing in my earpiece. I looked up and saw Stark.

 He punched Loki right in the chest. "stand down, reindeer games' Stark spoke. Loki looked around nervously, and his eyes met mine. He frowned and changed back into his Asgardian clothing. 'shame that fight ended, it was too quick" I joked. 

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