Chapter 14: Asgard

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After a few adventures for 5 years, thor wanted to go back to asgard. "Really, thor?" I was excited, "I might see Asgard before I grow old!" "What?" Thor looked confused. "Oh, right...about us midgardains, we don't live for 5000 years, we live for a short period of time" I explained to thor, "so how many years do you humans live?" He asked me. "90 or 80 years" I replied, Thor was disappointed, he really thought I'd stay with him all his life. "Well, at least you'll see Asgard" "will Loki be there?" I asked him hopefully, maybe he might come back to me.

"Loki? Oh, um. Charlotte, he's dead" "what? Tell me that's a joke" I said desperately, I loved him, he couldn't be dead, not yet. "He is, but we could see his grave" I smiled weakly and agreed. "HEIMDALL! OPEN THE BIFROST" Thor yelled at the sky, but nothing came down, "uhh, Thor? You're shouting at nothing" I said to him. Thor ignored me and kept on shouting at the sky. Then the bifrost opened and we were at Asgard.

"Who are you?" A tiny man asked us, "I'm Thor, son of Odin, and this is my friend, lady harper" Thor replied, "and who are you?" I'm skurge,remember? We fought in vanaheim."

"ok, come, lady harper, let's meet my father" Thor continued, he swung his hammer (I can't pronounce the name of his hammer so I called it mew mew, it's not that scary) and flew to Asgard's palace, with my wind powers I flew with him, leaving skurge. We landed at a balcony were a few hundred people were standing around looking at something, "Thor, when you said grave, did you mean statue?" I looked at this statue of Loki, holding his arms aloft. "What?" He looked in my direction and looked shocked.

we pushed our way through the crowd and saw a little theater with a play in it, it was called "Loki's death." I looked and saw an old looking man in a daybed, watching the play.

Once the play was done, everyone clapped or sniffed, the allfather stood up from his chair and clapped the loudest.

Me and Thor knew it was Loki, I mean, Loki could shapeshift. But Thor played along with his game, "father" Thor spoke, "Odin" looked in Thor's direction and muttered something.

"UH, my son, Thor, has returned!" He anounced akwardly, Thor walked up to him and showed him a crown we got from our adventures. They talked a while, I signaled Thor to make Loki turn back into Loki.

He nodded his head and threw mew mew and held Loki Infront of him. "W-what are you doing?" He stuttered, "you know, myolnar will come back to my hand and nothing will stop it" "this is outrageous! You'll be executed for this!" Loki said, shaking.

I never thought he'd be this frightened, "then see you in hell, BROTHER" Thor whispered to Loki. "ALRIGHT I YIELD!" Loki then turned back into himself and everyone was shocked, so I guess nobody knew Loki was a fake Odin.

"Hi, honey" I said, smiling, Loki looked at me and scoffed, I tilted my head in surprise, and Thor and Loki argued, then Thor began shouting, and Loki began shouting, I then had to break up the fight and got hit by Thor, by accident.

"Oof! Sorry, lady harper" Thor apologized, Loki didn't move a muscle, looks like he didn't care for me anymore, that broke my heart, but I promised myself that I wouldn't stop caring for him, no matter what.

"I'm ok, Thor" I said. Thor then put mew mew on Loki and he struggled for a bit. He would be there forever if I didn't tell Thor to get mew mew off him, "where is father?" Thor asked Loki.

I don't know, on midgard, perhaps?" Loki mocked Thor, Thor threatened to put mew mew back on Loki if he didn't tell him were Odin was. "HE'S ON MIDGARD!" "Then bring us there, you idiot!" Thor hissed.

"THOR! stop fighting! Let's just bring Loki with us and he'll show us were the allfather is!" I said to Thor, pushing him away from Loki. "Fine, then. But this is for you!" Thor said, we went to the bifrost and went to earth again.

The ice princeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora