Chapter 16 Hela odindottior

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We walked up to Odin and sat with him on a rock, "hello, my son's" Odin said, he then looked at me, "hello, Charlotte Harper" I smiled and Thor then spoke up.

"Father, we're taking you home" "I am home" Odin replied. Loki and Thor looked at Odin, confused, I was even more confused, I thought Asgard was his home. After talking awhile Odin looked up and said: "do you hear her? Frigga" we looked at each other in confusion.

I thought it was Loki who was messing with Odin's head, "Loki, please lift your magic" I asked him nicely, but Loki shook his head, meaning that this wasn't his magic.

Then Odin then turned into dust, Thor, Loki and me slowly got up and watched the dust float off into the distance. I felt tears in my eyes, and I saw thunder clouds, I saw Thor balling his fists.

"This was your doing!" He said angrily. "Now, brother-"  we heard a noise behind us and saw a portal, a black, inky looking one. Thor and Loki approached the portal and transformed into their suits.

I had the same red suit I wore during Ultron. I ran to Loki and Thor. As I approached them, I saw a woman come out the portal. I stopped near Loki as the lady began talking to Thor and loki.

"Shame, I would've liked to see that" we were silent, "I am Hela, Odin's first born, kneel before me" "I beg your pardon?" Loki asked polity. Hela then got out some swords, Thor threw his hammer at Hela, but she got it and broke it. In panic Loki called out to the gatekeeper in Asgard, "BRING US BACK!" Hela then ran at us and the bifrost opened above us.

I felt Hela grab my foot, so in terror, I grabbed Loki's cape, he looked down in surprise and Hela threw me out of the bifrost. Me and loki flew through space and landed in skaar, a hellscape-ish plant.

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