See You Tomorrow, Kiyosumi

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Atsuko's P.O.V

Sengoku did an excellent job on my chore. He had successfully found the man who was trying to kill me without getting killed himself and he had managed to allow me to hear his voice and see a glimpse of his face when Sengoku ran away. Honestly, I could barely tell if he was mentally laughing or screaming. Pretty sure he was laughing, though. What a lucky guy.
I laid back on my bed, closing my eyes and thinking of the events earlier tonight. I glanced down and my eyes opened as my phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, I saw it was Sengoku trying to reach me.
"Yeah, Kiyosumi?" I said, answer it.
"Did you hear his voice?" Sengoku laughed. "It was hilarious!"
"Come on, Kiyosumi. I need the details on what he really looks like. I don't need to listen to you fool around right now. We can talk about that later. Currently, the most important thing is to get the details on the guy," I explained quietly into the phone.
"Hai, Atsuko," Sengoku said. "The man had brown hair over one eye and a broken nose with a bandage over it. He had a scar over his right eye and he was wearing all black. He's kinda creepy, but his voice ruins it. A lot."
"Thanks for the description, Kiyosumi. Are you free tomorrow night?" I asked. "I'd like to meet up."
"Hai. I can meet tomorrow. Is . . . three alright with you?" Sengoku said after a pause.
"Hai," I replied. "Meet me at Seigaku when school's out."
"Sure," Sengoku said.
"We can go to the public tenis courts after that, get in some more practice and then talk after a few matches," I suggested, sitting upright on my bed as i stared out the window. "And then we can talk about how to get Momoshiro and Kikumaru back for locking Ryoma and I in a shed."
"See you tomorrow, Atsuko," Sengoku said, a small laugh leaving his lips. I smiled to myself, it was a small smile, but a smile nonetheless.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Kiyosumi," I said, hanging up and then laying back on my head, a faint smile remaining on my face as I drifted off to dreamland.

Ryoma's P.O.V

The next day, I literally couldn't think of anything else except for yesterday. Did Atsuko really go and confront a stranger trying to kill her? And why hasn't she told anyone else about it yet? I sighed as I walked out of my house and headed in the direction of Seigaku.
"Echizen!" Momo shouted, making me turn around. "Move out of the way!" He was speeding at me from behind on his bike. He better not crash into me again.
"I'm trying not to be late today," I mused to Momo as he swerved out of my way at the last minute. "I'd prefer to not have to run laps today."
"If you don't want to be late, then you better start running!" Momo shouted, picking up his speed. I sighed and then ran after him, making it to Seigaku's courts right before time was up. I scanned the courts, not seeing Atsuko's familiar white hair anywhere. I sighed. She's on my mind too much. If I don't snap out of this soon, my performance will decrease so much.
"Oi, Tezuka," Atsuko's voice said. I turned and saw her jogging lightly towards the courts, pushing the gates open as she walked in. "Sorry if I'm late. Had some business to do with one of my friends. If you want, I'll run twenty laps," she suggested, dropping her bags at the benches.
"No. I don't find that necessary today," Tezuka replied. "Try to be on time next time."
"Hai, Tezuka," Atsuko said. She glanced down at her phone for a second and then slid it into her pocket before grabbing her racket and heading onto a court. "Anyone up to a fun game? No bad feelings if I win, right?" Momo immediately walked the other direction, hiding behind Eiji.
"No hard feelings," I repeated to myself as I stepped forwards.
"Oh, Chibisuke, nice of you to try. I hope you know, I'll crush you," Atsuko said, dropping her cigarette on the ground and grinding it with her heel as she readied herself.
"Go, Ochibi!" Eiji shouted.
"Echizen! Win!" Momo called from the sidelines. It seems our game has caught the attention of most of my upperclassmen. Tomoka, Sakuno, Horio, Kachiro and Katsuo were also all watching. I admit, the game used up more stamina than I had anticipated, and Atsuko still won. She officially has bragging rights. And she barely broke a sweat. I wonder how strong her playing really is? Could she possibly beat Tezuka?
The day passed on, I kept the note in my pocket, and then the bell rang for school to finish. I stood up as I saw Atsuko head to the front gates and wait instead of heading off as usual.
"Kiyosumi, seems like you actually showed up," Atsuko said as she pushed off against the wall to stand up straight.
"What are friends for, Atsuko? You said the public courts, right?" someone said, rounding the corner. I mentally raised an eyebrow as Lucky Sengoku showed up and stood in front of Atsuko.
"Let's go. We'll play a few games and then we can chat," Atsuko said. She paused. "Jin doesn't know you're here, right? I don't need you to get hurt by him because of me."
"Don't worry. I'm not called Lucky Sengoku for nothing!" Sengoku smiled.
"Good. Then let's go," Atsuko said, walking away with Sengoku next to her.
Yeah, I admit it. I feel guilty for doing this. I followed them to the public courts. I know, I know, how foolishly stupid of me. I shouldn't be following her, but she can't seriously take on a grown man by herself, right? Not unless she's some sort of magician or can fight incredibly well.
I made sure to keep my distance from them, but I did choose the court right next to the one they were using.
And then the person I didn't want to see appeared.


I haven't updated in about a month. I think. Sorry. I'll try and update more often.

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