Saudade: Recovery

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Jonathan Turner, a motorcycle accident, and a hot blonde nurse.

Shawn begins to dig into the depths of the lies Chet told him that drove the wedge between him and Jon. And he learns that the joke Cory told him about Jon and his nurse was no joke at all.

Meanwhile, Audrey's been withholding information from Jon for some time.

TW: brief mention of a past miscarriage


A room in the ICU opened and Jon was moved into it.

Shawn was more than a little frustrated.

Once the hospital found out that he was not the superintendent's biological son nor his legally adopted one, doctors refused to talk to him about Jon's condition, and the nurses would only give him vague assurances that everything would be all right.

He was allowed to stay with him as a visitor, but that was all.

For a supposedly busy hospital, the ICU seemed oddly empty. There were only two other patients in the ward. Jon's room was at the end of the hall and, for that, Shawn was grateful. The nurses at their station were loud in their talking and laughter as they tried to keep themselves occupied. While he understood the need to keep their moods light, the joyous noise grated against his nerves.

"What's your problem?" Jon groused. "You aren't the one stuck in a hospital bed. Again."

Shawn got up from the couch and walked over to him. The head of the bed was partially raised so that Jon was in a sitting position. He looked exhausted and mildly irritated.

He took comfort in the fact that his father's trademark sarcasm was as strong as ever.

"You're in a pretty good mood for a guy who passed out a few hours ago."

"Yeah, well, I wanna get outta here as soon as possible. Preferably before your mother gets here."

Shawn smiled. "You're in ICU. I don't think you're gonna make it out that fast."

"Tell me about it," Jon said rolling his eyes.

"So what happened? They won't tell me anythin' because I'm not family."

"You're not what?" The superintendent was more than annoyed now. He sat up suddenly in response but at once regretted the action. A sharp pain hit his temple and forced him to sit back.

"They won't tell me anythin' because I'm not your son," Shawn said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Jon gave a frustrated groan. He started to say something when one of the machines around him went off. "I hate ICU so much," he sighed wearily. "You cannot sleep in this place. Someone is in every single hour to do somethin' and they will not let you sleep through whatever it is they're doin."

As if hearing him complain about the constant checks, a nurse chose that moment to walk in.

"Hello, Mr. Turner," she said with a wink as she checked on the machine that was beeping.

Something in her tone caused Shawn to bristle. It was far too familiar a tone given that Jon had only been in the ICU for an hour. Hazy memories tugged at the corner of his mind at the smile she gave his father.

The smile, as he saw it, was more than friendly.

The nurse was an attractive woman in her forties with bleach-blonde hair in a pixie cut. She had four stars tattooed on her wrist and she reminded him of someone. As the woman chatted to Jon about something unrelated to his health, Shawn felt the distinct sensation of déjà vu, although he couldn't remember being in this exact situation before.

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