The Return: Keys: Continued

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"Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an edge to cut you." - Mark Lawrence, Prince of Thorns


Cory Matthews had had a miserable morning. He burnt his tongue trying to convince his parents he was sick. Then he got busted playing sick and was lectured angrily both parents who made him go to school. He was late, so his first stop was Mr. Feeny's office where he got another earful from the principal. That lecture picked up again after history where he failed his test miserably. All this he went through with a painful welt on his tongue. Lunch was not kind to him either and all he was able to eat was Jell-O and chocolate milk. It was not the day he wanted to hear Shawn announce that they were going to see Uncle Mike after school.

Uncle Mike's place was an automotive/motorcycle/fake ID/whatever you needed with no questions asked business. It was a shady as they came and Shawn had great respect for what his uncle had built from the ground up all on his own. But Uncle Mike's was located on the "other" side of town where the Hunter family's trailer park was located. This part of town made Cory very nervous. He would never say it to Shawn -he didn't want his best friend to feel bad about where he came from- but he absolutely hated going there, even when it was his own idea. Cory was okay with going to Uncle Mike's shop. The area it was in wasn't the best but it was better than the trailer park. However, he hated actually going inside of Uncle Mike's shop- the man terrified Cory in a way he couldn't explain.

Cory glanced nervously at his girlfriend. If Topanga had any concerns about where they were she did not voice them nor did they show on her face. Cory took comfort in this and held onto her tightly when Uncle Mike came out to greet them. Or rather he greeted Shawn and stared a hole into Cory's soul. At least that's what it felt like to the teenager.

The older man in grease stained coveralls grinned when he saw Shawn. "Shawnie! What brings my favorite nephew to my humble shop? You got someone hasslin' you?" Uncle Mike gave Cory an angry, suspicious glare.

Shawn followed the man's gaze and shook his head. "This is Cory, Uncle Mike- remember? My best friend."

"Oh, yeah." Uncle Mike smiled a crooked grin. "You're the kid who made the tape of the family for Shawnie's dad."

"Yes, sir, I am, sir," Cory said with a little salute.

"No one's hasslin' me, Uncle Mike," Shawn assured his uncle. "but I do need help."

"What's goin' on, Shawnie?"

"I think someone stole my apartment key and-"

The man slammed his fist into the counter top making everything on it and Cory jump. "I'll kill 'em, Shawn! You just tell me who!"

For a split second Shawn considered the offer. "No, no, Uncle Mike. I need info. I think someone took my key and made a copy. Would you be able to tell if they did? Or even where they got it done?"

The big man nodded and relaxed. "Sure, Shawnie. Let me see it."

Shawn handed over the key and Uncle Mike studied it for a long time. He wandered off and disappeared into the back room. Finally, he came back to the teenagers with his verdict.

"A copy has definitely been," he said solemnly.

"How can you be sure?" Topanga asked stepping forward much to Cory's chagrin.

Uncle Mike gave the girl a cool, impassive gaze. "Who's this?"

"Topanga Lawrence," Shawn introduced her. "Legal council."

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