Calypso's confession

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I walked back into my Cabin and everyone was there, waiting.

"So?!" Percy yelled. Annabeth was holding his hand in a nervous matter. I was slightly upset that I let her down by not giving Luke a harsh punishment. I looked over at everyone and they all seemed on edge. Calypso had a box of tissues, I was thankful for that cause that means they took my feelings into consideration.

"Hes replacing Dionysus in 7 days but he's getting tortured by Demtre until then" I looked down, expecting everyone to yell at me.

I soon felt arms around me and I noticed it was Thalia and Calypso was next to her holding out a tissue. I hugged Thalia then wiped my eyes with the tissue since I let some tears through. "I'm sorry" I apologised.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Luke was your first love, it makes sense why you'd go easy on him" Annabeth explained. I nodded and looked everyone, they all had sympathetic looks which I hated. I was glad they were all here tho.

About two hours later everyone left, everyone except Calypso. I raised an eyebrow at her and she just stepped closer to me. "I may or may not have a crush on you" she half-admitted. I was dumbfounded (my gay ass would be too).

"Do you want me to repeat it?" She asked and I realised I zoned out.

"No I heard you, I was just thinking. And I'm sorry but I do love Leo and well you saw what happened a few mornings ago" I said. The girl just nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"I hope everything ends well with you and Valdez" she smiled. 'Me too' I thought, 'me too'.

"Wanna stay here and have a girl's night?" I asked out of the blue. Calypso paused for a second before nodding and literally dragging me onto the bed.

"Let watch a movies, braid hair and talk about people" she squealed. This is how she usually is whenever any of us offer sleepovers and we all love it.

I may have no romantic feelings for Calypso but I do cherish her friendship and how sweet she is. Mostly everyone makes her out to be some villain but she is nothing but a sweetheart.

She's great.

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