Family dinner

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I thought that this new week would be better than the last, but then my parents decided that this week's Saturday was the best time for a family dinner.
Don't get it wrong i love my family, i would even get to see my siblings after a long time . But my parents can just be a little too into my business sometimes.
My elder brother Emmanuel, is married with two kids, Paul and Sarah, plus i love his beautiful wife Sandra, he works at a Oil company and is hardly ever around, always traveling, its been a while since i saw him.
My younger sister Precious on the other hand, just rounded up her National youth service, and is still going to as many interviews as possible, we only call and FaceTime when we have the chance, i miss them both and that's what motivating me to go for this family dinner.
Apparently Precious is still young and shouldn't be thinking about getting married, but me on the other hand according to my parents should have gotten married 2/3 years ago , they seem to have forgotten that I'm not 25 until October 25th of this same year, i guess to them am too old not to be married.

The week ran along as quickly as it possibly could , and here i am at my parents house, setting the table for our dinner together. Sandra, Emmanuel's wife wasn't able to make it as she went on an official assignment for the company she works for, she is an Engineer. There kids are also away, spending time at their grandparents house (Sandra's parents), at Texas.
    Dinner started off well, discussions began when we were halfway through our meals
Dad: Emmanuel how's work and your family, i heard from Sandra that you guys intend in moving to the states, how's that coming along.
Emmanuel: well, we haven't really put our plans into actions sir, but before the end of this year sir, we are still in August and we intend to leave before Christmas, Sandra wants the kids to experience Christmas outside the country.
Mum: that's really nice dear, may God see you through.
Precious: awwn.. big bro that's so nice, i hope that when you guys settle down , you would allow us to come visiting, abi bawo ni ( or how is it going to be ) .
Grace:Emma, big man , show us way now, but seriously bro that's great , congrats i should call Sis Sandra soon too.
Mum: I'm so proud of my three babies, I can't believe that you're all growing so fast,
Dad: i pray that God would continue to uplift you one after the other, in Jesus name
Amen!!!!! We all chorused

Mum: so.. precious how's job hunting treating you?
Precious: it's not all that bad mom but it's stressful, but i went for an interview on Wednesday and it seemed promising i just hope i get the job
Mom and Dad: you will dear, in Jesus name.
Precious: the vacancy is that of an accountant, i just hope i get it right
Grace: you will dear just have faith, and don't cease in praying.
Mom: grace don't think we forgot about you
Grace: not at all mom, i know you just wanted to safe the best for last
Precious and Emma: hmmm.... in your dreams girl
Dad: tell us dear , how has work been, not too tiresome i hope?
Grace: not at all dad, with God on my side and Mr Felix watching me like I'm an egg , what could go wrong
Dad: well, that's good to know
Mum: you should take some of the meals i made for your uncle Felix
Grace: of course mum.

We rounded up and retired to our rooms.
I just stepped out of the bathroom, when my mum came to ask me if we could talk....

Author's note
And that's a wrap for today
What do you thing Grace's mum wants fo talk about??
I'm really sorry guys for the late updates, but as i said at the beginning of this book, i have an exam that I'm studying for and it's taking up most of my time.
Pray for me guys love u all

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