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Do you guys remember the dark and handsome guy that invited me to a youth revival programme at his church?
Well his name is Damilola Adekoya, and here i am at his church Treasure vineyard.
Today's actually a Thursday buy i managed to get half the day off to attend the programme at 3:30pm.
The programme had just started and Dammy, yes dammy!!was kind enough to introduce me to some of his friends at church. Sis Bimbo, assistant choir coordinator, bro Folusho, ushering ministry coordinator, sis Joy, is a member of the choir ministry,while bro Peter is the youth church pastor and coordinator.
I know some of you might think I don't have friends if my own, i do have friends but we are always too busy with work to hangout or go out for lunch or even meet up, that aside.
The programme was so educative, not only did the speaker address spirituality, she also addressed work ethics, personal relationships with people around us and a whole lot more, at the end of it all I'm just grateful to God for granting me an opportunity to be here.
Hmmm.. Grace!! , Dammy called
Hey hi , i replied
Dammy: i hope you enjoyed the programme ?
Grace: yea sure it was spirit filling and quite educative. I'm so glad i let you talk me into coming
Dammy: i did the talking but holyspirit touched your heart to come, I'm-glad you did though. It was nice having you around, it's only a little time before you steal all my friends away they can't stop talking about you.
Grace: oh really now that's nice, i didn't know i was that good, anyways i have to het going now, ahh hopefully we would meet up later right.., ahh i mean at chirch yea?
Dammy: yea sure , take care, drive safe and God bless you.

Dammy's POV
Immediately i saw Grace the lady from the other day, the one i met at the Shoprite at Ikeja, i was suddenly overfilled with joy, i quickly gave thanks to the holy spirit for touching her heart.
  The service went by, and i just couldn't forget what my mum said during our last family get together.
" Dammy you are going to be 32,by october and you have not even brought a lady home, i get that you are waiting on God but you also have to help yourself, you are doing well and you even own your own textile company, I don't know what's holding you back, i might have to find you a wife soon"
  I know she meant well but it still felt as though , she was saying my faith in God was a waste. My mum is a christian and she was even the one that taught my siblings and i the word of God , right from childhood, i would just take it that she was just worried.
    I eventually introduced Grace to my friends at church, Peter,Joy,Folusho and Bimbo. After all the introductions between them, Grace was about to leave i called her and we spoke a little, she seemed nervous and confident at the same time it was fun to watch her fidgeting as she played with her finger nails, we had a little chat and then we decided to meet hope , probably for another program at church.

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