August puts the groceries into the cart with me and pays before leaving the store. "Yeah, August, you better move faster before I get away." I tease.

August abruptly stops in the middle of the parking lot. "You aren't going anywhere." He tells me His hazel eyes bore into mine, making me shiver slightly.

"You sure?" I say playfully. August leans down; his lips press against mine.

It was slow and passionate. He smiles against the kiss when I kiss back, wanting more, but he pulls away, his lips hovering above mine. "100% sure. I'm not letting you get away from me this time." His minty breath fans my lips.

August stops the basket at the car and opens the trunk to put things in the car.

I lift myself up, clenching my teeth, when pain shoots through my body. "Hey wait." August stopped putting things into his car and turned to me.

"I got it." I mumble and try to get out on my own, but August's hands wrap around my waist, lifting me out of the cart and placing me softly on the floor. I lift my gaze to his when he doesn't let go.

"I want you to ask me for help. You don't always have to do things on your own." His voice is low and soft. I nod and look down.

"I'll try my best." I say, looking back up at him. A smile makes its way onto his pink lips.

August leaves a kiss on my cheek before pulling away and putting the rest of the bags into the trunk.

"Can we stop by my place?" "I need a few things cause you know you kidnapped me?" she said. August just laughed and nodded his head before opening my door.

Getting into the passenger seat still feels a bit weird. I am so used to being in the driver's seat all of the time.

Anger bubbles up in me just a bit when I remember the night of the accident. I don't understand how I lost control.

Flash back

My foot slams on the gas, my car speeding down the road. The trees pass by quickly.

Checking the mirrors to see where my opponent is. I grin at the distance between us.

I grip the steering wheel tighter as I see the turn coming up quickly.

Taking my foot off the gas and quickly pressing the brake so I can drift around the corner. I tap the breaks again when I don't feel the car break.

My heart pounds in my chest when they don't work. turning the wheel quickly.

Everything slows down when my car flips for the first time, including the airbag exploding. There was so much adrenaline in my veins that I didn't feel when my body slammed against my door.

The car finally came to a full stop. Ringing filled my ears. I open my eyes, hissing at the pounding in my head. My dark hair hung in my face. I looked around; glass was everywhere.

When I try to press the buckle to release it, it doesn't work.

Flashback endend

"London." I snapped out of the horrible memory. I swallowed the lump in my throat. My breathing was quick, and my heart crashed against my chest. "I'm.." August pulls over to the side of the road.

Hearing the buckle come undone caused me to flinch. "Hey, look at me." August says he, cupping my face in his large hands. My eyes snapped to him. His hazel eyes danced around my face.

"Come on, breathe, baby." I mimic his breathing as I stare into his green eyes. the brown flecks in them and the golden ring around his iris.

My breath slows. "I'm sorry-" August shook his head. using his thumb to wipe my cheek.

"No sorry, okay." I bit the inside of my cheek, feeling guilty that he had to stop the car just because of me.

"Here, let's make a rule." He interrupts my thoughts, pulling away from me and leaning back into his seat. My brows furrow. "No saying sorry unless it's truly needed for." August explains.

"If the rule is broken?" I ask. August bites the inside of his cheeks, and his nose scrunches just a bit, letting me know that he is thinking. "Does anything the other wants." I'm thinking about it.

This will easily work out in my favor.


August smiles, giving me a nod. "Are you ready, or do you need more time?" He asks, pushing a loose strand behind my ear. "Just one more minute." I whisper.


It didn't take long until we pulled into my apartment garage. I led August to my apartment.

Shit, I can't remember if I picked up my room. I pull out my keys and unlock my apartment. I opened the door, watching as August walked in.

His eyes wander around, looking at everything. Taking this opportunity to dart to my room

I let out a breath when I found that it wasn't a mess. I grabbed a small bag from my closet and put some shirts and pants in it.

A cute dark blue lace set caught my attention. I quickly grab that and a few extra pairs of bras and underwear, throwing them into my backpack.

I shriek, dropping my bag onto the floor of my closet, my clothes spilling out of the opened pocket.

August stood there, leaning against my closet door with a smirk on his face. "Jesus fuck don't do that." August shakes his head, laughing at me.

He pushed off of the door, kneeling down and putting my clothes back into the bag.

I crouch down next to him. "Seriously, you could have made me pull a stitch or something." My eyes widen and my face heats when he lifts the blue lacey bra that I had just put into my bag a minute ago.

"What's this for?" He says it with a cheeky grin. "Give me that." I try snatching it from his hands, but he pulls it away, out of my reach.

This little shit.

I lunged forward, snatching it from him, but ended up falling forward.

Taking him down with me. August's arms loop around my waist. "I always liked you in this position." I go to say something, but my mind is blank. I slammed my mouth shut with a swift push off of his chest.

I grabbed my bag from the floor and exited my room. My face burns as I heard his laugh echo from down the hall. I notice that my mail sits on my kitchen counter.

There were quite a few, but one caught my eye. It was in a big yellow letter. Ripping it open and quickly skimming through to the words that were on the white sheet of paper

"What is it?" I hear August asking. But my mind was too mixed trying to figure out if what I read could be true. I swallow. "Someone turned themselves in for cutting the brakes on my car."

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