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I gape at the text then look
up at the sleeping form of my husband.

He's been out until one thirty in the morning drinking with her!

He snores softly, sleeping
the sleep of a seemingly innocent, oblivious drunk.

He looks so serene.

Oh no, no, no.

My legs turn to jelly and I sink slowly to the chair beside the
bed in disbelief.

Raw, bitter, humiliating
betrayal lances through me.

How could he?

How could he go to her?

Scalding, angry tears ooze
down my cheeks.

His wrath and fear, his need to lash out at me I can understand and forgive But this treachery
is too much.

I pull my knees up against my chest and wrap my arms
around them, protecting me
and protecting my Little Blip.

I rock to and fro, weeping softly.

What did I expect?

I married this man too quickly.

I knew it would come to this.

Why. Why. Why?

How could he do this to me?

He knows how I feel about
that woman.

How could he turn to her?


The knife twists slowly and painfully deep in my heart, lacerating me.

Will it always be this way?

Through my tears, his prostrate figure blurs and shimmers.

I married him because I love
him and deep down I know that he loves me. I know he does.

His achingly sweet birthday present comes to mind.

For all our firsts on your first birthday as my beloved
husband, I love you. J x

No, no, no—I can't believe that
it will always be this way, two steps forward and three steps back but that's how it's always been with him.

After each set-back, we move forward, inch by inch.

He will come around . . .

he will.

But will I?

Will I recover from this . . .

from this treachery? I think about how he's been this last, horrible, wonderful weekend.

His quiet strength while my stepdad lay broken and
comatose in the ICU . . .

my surprise party, bringing my family and friends together . . .

dipping me down low outside
the Heathman and kissing me in full public view.

Oh, Jungkook, you strain all my trust, all my faith and I love you.

But it's not just me now.

I place my hand on my belly.

No, I will not let him do this to me and our Blip.

Dr. Flynn said I should give him the benefit of the doubt—well, not this time. I dash the tears from my eyes and wipe my
nose with the back of my hand.

 FIFTY SHADES OF JEON || BOOK 2 JIKOOK ✅ (18*)Where stories live. Discover now