Holding a black microphone in her slender white hand, she looks like a petite girl from Huaguo, traveling from afar When he came to Japan, he stood on the stage in the huge lecture hall, in front of many mathematicians from all over the world, with a calm face, and in fluent English, he spoke the words "Goethe A proof of Bach's conjecture.

    Under the stage, mathematicians from all over the world took out the board from the armrest of the chair, opened it, took out pens and draft pads, and followed Ming Xia's train of thought, calculating with bright eyes.

    The "pseudo-proposition idea" proposed by Ming Xia on io is somewhat similar to the "contradictory method" in indirect argumentation, but it is different, because it does not reverse the inference through the opposite hypothesis, but by giving an example of a related proposition. Through the discussion of this proposition, it is extended to the proof itself a little bit, which is a very novel idea for the proof of "Goldbach's conjecture".

    Moreover, her current proof is also linked together. After reading the proof on io, everyone thought that she would go to this way of thinking, but they didn't expect that she would make a big reversal in the last link and directly change her previous thinking. Overturning, and then connecting with other formulas, I wrote the last link of an angle that was completely unexpected along the line of thought.

    Those styles are like macarons for afternoon tea, stars in the dark night, and gentle spring breeze blowing on the face...the beauty of mathematics is displayed at a glance, and it is also shocking.

    After finishing his proof, Ming Xia took the microphone and said, "Thank you for listening. The above is my proof of Goldbach's conjecture. If you have any doubts or doubts, you are welcome to ask questions at any time." On

    stage, Ming Xia No matter how generous and rigorous the proof was, the face of Kaicheng University would be so ugly.

    You know that your idea of ​​proof is wrong, why do you publish it casually to mislead others? Otherwise, more than a month has passed, how come no one has found out your logical error, but you are the only one who overturned your own proof? Could it be that this Hua country girl did it on purpose, guessing that someone would take away her ideas and use them, and maliciously gave false proof?

    After hearing Ming Xia's testimony, Akimoto Shashu's heart was almost pulled together. The discomfort was more than a simple word "regret" could describe.

    Before, he was obsessed with ghosts. Seeing that so many experts from all over the world did not raise any objections to Ming Xia's proof, he felt that there must be no problem. It was really proved, and I pushed it forward and backward a few times, and felt that it was all established, and I was ecstatic immediately.

    Later, when he asked others to help him calculate, he also thought that he had used his status to take advantage of the students' research results before. He couldn't help but suspect that others would step on him in this way. The teacher, and a few math friends helped to check the calculations together, so I contacted the school, wanting the name that proved the world's difficult problems, and even prepared to be ridiculed by the media and people in the circle, insisting on not signing Ming Xia .

    And the school has been worrying about the gold content of the journals in recent years, whether it is high or not, it is very embarrassing for their school's international status. Seeing that he is so sure, there are so many teachers in the school and some in the mathematics field. Although the status is not high But there are also some influential people who help push the evidence, so I am moved.

    It's just that none of them thought that Ming Xia's idea of ​​proof was actually wrong, and it was an error that so many international mathematicians hadn't discovered. It was so hidden, and in the end, it was overthrown by herself in the end.

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