The Cost of Knowledge

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Silver drove deeper into the dark foliage, steering the taxi onto a bumpy dirt road. The earthy scent filling the vehicle soothed Kane's jittery nerves. His body relaxed. His mind, however, ran free like a wild stallion, refusing to be placated.

Kane sighed, hearing whispers of a laugh. Low buzzing crept up on him. He checked his phone and swore. Not only was it five minutes until midnight, he also had no connection.

"Shit." Kane scrambled to reconnect but received only emptiness in return. "You've gotta be kidding me."


Kane lifted his chin, meeting Silver's stare in the mirror. He shifted away from the middle seat and to the side of the car so he could look at Silver's sharp profile instead.

"I have no connection."

Silver tapped on the steering wheel, in tune with the song crooning through the radio. "Is that all?"

Kane watched Silver's analytical eyes find him over his shoulder. They shared a look for a split second before Silver turned around. The taxi took a harsh right turn. Darkness swallowed the last few trees Kane saw.

"What do you mean?"

Silver tapped at the digital clock flashing 11:56. "Almost midnight."

"Um, yeah?"

"You don't like that, do you?" Silver asked mysteriously. "Makes you feel uneasy... I bet you knew it was almost midnight before even checking that phone of yours."

Kane froze. He had to stop himself from grabbing his necklace, an old habit he was trying to break himself of.

"As a matter of fact, I bet there are other things that make you feel uncomfortable. Perfectly normal things that you can't figure out why you're scared of." Silver pointed at the darkness, ignoring Kane's rigid posture. "I'd bet my finest blade that you're scared of midnight. You don't like mirrors or water nor any deep hole in the ground. You stay out of windows and doorways and," Silver snapped, letting out a little aha, "you don't mess with myths. Forgotten stories of the past that have no place to stand in the realm where only science is believed in. Correct?"

Kane's mouth fell open in shock. "How—"

"Your elders, they must've tried so hard to beat that curiosity out of you. Yet here you are." Silver snorted, making another harsh turn. He fidgeted with a trinket on the dashboard. It flickered then went out. The color was green. "There's an urban legend that's been circulating for years about a taxi cab that doesn't take you where you want to go. But where you need to go. One night, tonight, you stepped into this cab, Kane."

Kane squeezed his eyes shut. There it was again. That low buzzing thrumming inside his head. It was louder now. He was familiar with the sound after years of enduring it.

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