Azriel meticulously checked the room for safety, planting weapons as he went. Once he was done, he shoved the heavy mahogany dresser in front of the door to act as a barricade. They both knew in the plan of escape, the window and Azriel's wings were their best bet regardless. Azriel covered the window so they weren't visible from the outside, but in a way that was quick to remove in case they needed to escape.

He'd refused to split up into separate rooms, claiming he'd sleep on the floor and be fine. She huffed at him, but he wouldn't budge. She crawled into the bed, wrapping herself as tightly in the thin blanket as she could. Her teeth chattered together in her body's desperate attempt to maintain any semblance of warmth.

"Your shivering is distracting," he griped from where he lay on the floor at the foot of the bed. She'd given him a pillow, but he'd refused to take the only blanket. Most of the rooms had been raided for things of the sort, he'd explained. He'd be fine, he told her.

"S-sincerest apologies, asshat," she gruffed between convulsing shivers. She expected him to fire back, but he just chuckled.

Her body convulsed again and she swore. At least in Winter Court, they'd been far enough away to risk a fire. It was the middle of seasonal winter in Prythian, and even outside of Winter Court, it was absolutely freezing. Why they couldn't have been lucky enough to end up in Summer Court, she'd never know.

She turned on the bed with a huff, wrapping herself tighter. "Fuck," she cursed under her breath. "How are you fine?"

"I grew up in snow-capped mountains, Callie," he laughed. She groaned, rolling her eyes. She realized she had no idea where she grew up. Nowhere would ever feel like home to her again. She'd forgotten everything. She fought back the tears that threatened to spill out of her at the thought. He probably thought she was a crybaby.

"Summer," he said quietly.


"You grew up in Summer Court. I figured you'd be wondering." Her heart squeezed in her chest. He was so perceptive and always highly aware of her experience. He was incredibly in tune with her, even when he tried to pretend that he wasn't. "It's why my body is naturally more equipped than yours. You grew up in heat and I grew up in snow."

"Thank you," she said quietly. He didn't respond. She could feel him thinking, though.

She lay in the quiet for a few moments, trying to figure out how to ask him for what she needed. She knew it was an unfair thing to ask, but she'd never be able to get any rest otherwise, and it would have all been for nothing anyway.

"Azriel," she said softly.

He hesitated. A long moment of pause before he said, "I can't, Callie."

Her brows furrowed and she sat up to look down on him.

"You didn't even know what I was going to ask you," she said, eyes narrowed. He looked back at her, hazel eyes glittering in the darkness.

"Yes, I did," he said.

"What was I going to ask?"

He shook his head, turning away from her. She groaned.

"Either you come up here or I'm coming down there, and one of those options would be much more comfortable so I'd appreciate if you stop being a baby," she said, voice stern. He turned back to her. "I'm not going to get any sleep if I can't stop convulsing."

"Cal, I can't touch you," he said, voice somber.

"And why not?"

"Some guy just tried to assault you, Callie. I'm not going to crawl into bed with you and make you uncomfortable. I promise you, I'm fine. Please, stop worrying about me." Callie blinked at his words. She certainly hadn't forgotten the details of the day, but she'd been trying to. With it back in the forefront of her mind, she once again felt the unsettling feeling in her gut that had settled in earlier.

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