Cracking Mrs. Croaker

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Croaker drove her ladybug into town for the day, leaving sprig hiding in the bushes all by himself.

As the big drove away sprig crawled up the pipes, and using a rope he swung himself through an open window.
"Alright Mrs. Croaker, let's see what you're all about. Huh, wonder what kind of books she reads." He said picking up a nearby book off a shelf.
"That's gonna be hard to forget, haha." He said after reading the title of a rather spicy looking novel.

"Ooh, candy!" He said picking up a piece, but they were stuck together so he had picked up the whole thing. "Uh oh," he said attempting to get the candy unstuck, causing him to break a corner off her dresser.

"Whoa" he said taking out a pair of dentures, "probably shouldn't put these in my mouth, eh, I'm gonna do it."

From downstairs, anne had opened the front door and started whisper-yelling, "sprig! Psst! You gotta get outta here man."
"Oh, hi guys!" He said coming down the stairs with all sorts of Mrs. Croakers items in his arms. "Come to help?"
"Uh, yeah. You need help, bud. But not with this."
"This is deranged!"
"Alright, put the stuff back. We're leaving." Yn demanded.
"What, no." Sprig said getting protective.
"Come on Sprig." Anne said attempting to grab the stuff from him, causing the items to fall out of his hands and onto the ground.

One specific box labeled 'secret memories' fell open, and photos, and maps, and lists of names fell out.
"What the-"
"Hey! Is that... Mrs Croaker?" Sprig asked while looking at a very old photo of a very young Mrs. Croaker.
"Dang, she was hot!" Anne yelled, yn smacked her arm and anne laughed.
"Hold on, who is that?" Sprig gasped as he looked at the photos, "here he is again.."

"Wait a second.. OH MY GOSH, Mrs. Croaker has a long-lost love. Jonah this, Jonah that, even a map of where he might be. Theres a frog out there that wants to be with her, and that she wants to be with."
"Hmmmm, i does kinda seem like she's obsessed with him.."
"I guess it's possible.."
"I'm going to hunt down that frog and reunite them. Then, she won't like me... oh, no. She'll love me." He said laughing manically.
"I have a very bad feeling about this.." Yn said once he was out the door.
"So.. wanna stay here and look at more pictures of hot Croaker?"

Sprig walked a longgg ways to find this old Jonah guys house, but once he did he didn't hesitate on second.
"Come on out Jonah do I have a surprise for you!" He yelled, banging on his door.
"Eh? Who-who-who is that? You from the puzzle of the month club?"
"Nope! I'm here on behalf of Sadie Croaker."
The old man's eyes widened, "Sadie? Sadie Croaker sent you?"
"Well... no.. it's a long story but-"
"This is incredible! I've been searching for Sadie for 30 years!"
Sprig gasped, "I knew it!"
"Now then, can you tell me where she's been hiding all this time?" The old man asked as he pulled on his trench coat and stepped outside.
"I'll do you one better. I'll take you right to her."
"Oh yes!" The old man celebrated, "Son, you just made this lonely old frog, very happy, mmmm"
"Great! Now let's go!"
Jonas bent down to grab a flower pot, "here I come Sadie!"

After a little while of walking, Sprig and Jonas ran into three girls.
"Sprig, where have you been? And who is this strange man attached to you?" Anne asked.
Sprig cleared his throat, "ahem, this handsome bachelor happens to be the frog that is going to make Mrs. Croaker like me forever."
"Names Jonah," the old man said while adjusting his hat.
"Okay, let's get this show on the road!" Sprig said dragging Jonah over to Mrs Croakers house.

"Mrs. Croaker! Do I have a surprise for you?" Sprig said knocking on the old ladies door.
"Ooh, is it the puzzle of the month club?" She gasped, "J-Jonah??"
Sprig gasped, "oh, my, gosh, they're about to flirt!" Sprig giggled.

" it really is you.." Jonah said.
"What are you doing here?"
"Sadie Croaker, there's something I've been waiting to tell you for 30 years." He said holding out the flower pot.
"Yes. Yes. Yes."
"Sadie Croaker, prepare to die!" He yelled taking a crossbow out of the pot.

"Wait, what?"

"Sadie, Sadie, Sadie. You thought you got the best of me in Bogwater Canton, but I haven't forgotten.." Jonah said while entering the old ladies home.

Anne, yn, and sprig watched in horror while polly seemed awfully excited.

"Jonah, this isn't romantic!" Sprig yelled.
"The guild would surely take me back if I took you down. Thirty years i been searching for ya, but you hid too well. But now, thanks to this weird little frog leading me straight to you, your time is up."
Sprig laughed nervously,
"You should have let sleeping frogs lie and stayed away. You'd have spared yourself from what's about to happen. Ha! What're you gonna do to me now? You're just an old woman." He laughed.
"You're old!"
"You're old."
"You're old!" The two continued to fight until sprig snapped, "he's right, she's just an old woman. I'll save you Mrs Croaker!" He yelled, and jumped up into the air, but was suddenly stopped by Mrs. Croakers cane.

"Step aside, boy."
And then the battle had begun.


Using her old sticky and dry candy, and her pet spider, she defeated Jonas.
"Whoa. That was..."
"What just happened?"

While Jonas struggled in the spider web Mrs Croaker firmly said, "nothing happened. Nothing at all. Because if word gets out, let's just say it would be very bad for everyone. Are we clear?"
"These lips be zipped."
"Didnt see a thing."
"Yes, of course. So sorry."
While yn just simply nodded.
"Alright boy," Mrs Croaker grabbed Sprig by the shirt, "what's this all about? Spill it."
"I wanted you to like me. So I kind of... snuck into your house and secretly went through all your things." Sprig groaned.
"And I saw all this stuff about Jonah, and I though he was your long-lost love."
After a moment of silence Mrs. Croaker started laughing hysterically, and so did Jonah.

"What, an, idiot. What makes you think you can please everyone kid? Jonah here don't like me,"
"It's true."
"Plenty of people don't like those two," Sadie pointed at yn and anne.
"We, hey, now."
"Eh," yn shrugged.
"And I just don't like you." She said booping his nose.
"But.. what did I do? Why don't you like me? I mean, I like you."
"I dunno," she shrugged, "something about your big eyes and goofy smile rub me the wrong way."
"Oh," sprigs shoulders slumped.
"But... you did go through all that trouble to get me to like you. I guess, I can try and like you back."
"Huh..." sprig looked at the ground, "yeah, no that's okay. You're right. Like me or don't like me, I'm fine."
Mrs. Croaker chuckled, "atta-kid."

"Cool, well, I guess we'll get going then.-"
"She likes me!" Sprig yelled, "Aw yeah, wapow!" He said whipping out a hat that with a heart that says 'she likes me!' "Good thing I brought this. She likes me, she likes me," he yelled while running around her house.
"You walked right into that one." Anne said to the old lady.
"Good luck getting rid of him now."
"I'm likeable, I'm loveable!"
Mrs Croaker groaned.
"She likes me!" He yelled suddenly as he popped behind the chair she was sitting on, scaring Mrs. Croaker half to death.


Guys, I'm so fucking sorry.

I've kind of fallen into a deep hole of depression, lots going on at school, in my personal life, and after lots of consideration I've made a final decision to temporarily discontinue this book.

I'm not a very reliable person and I feel like I've screwed up too many times, and tbh, I just need a break.

I'm taking a break from updates until school is over, but once summer is here and my life is as close to stress free as it will ever get, I will continue. But until then this will be the last update for a while.

Thank you for continuing to return to my book, especially when I take forever to update. even if I don't update for a couple months I hope you'll come back.

This is Aud/Hunter, signing off. ✌️

Ps: during my break on this book, I may or may not start others, including some of my favorite ships like Sashanne, or Marcanne, but their updates will be irregular. I'm sorry.

Eat, drink, brush your teeth, you matter, take care of yourself <3

-Aud/Hunter ❤️

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