Chapter 10

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"NOOOO it doesn't exist I'm not going, Cennet you forget how I got there, I don't accept it" I said pissed off what they took me for

Cennet came over and took my arm strongly

"Look girl, why don't you wake up you are a property and you have no right to refuse" she grit her teeth in anger and pushed me out the Harem

My books fell to the ground and I was starting to cry

Yeah I thought it was cool staying here but I don't want to be a little toy that he uses and then throws away and then moves on to another making me a stupid favorite.

All those women who became favorites who are called once or twice only to be forgotten when another one arrives, I am not and will never agree with this.


I went through hell while they were washing me and felt I was about to kill myself when I remembered the letter placed under my pillow.

After i got dressed and settled down i was beautiful like a princess without any explanation i flew to the harem then to my pillow where i found the letter that I tried to read a couple of times already and then i put it in my chest before the angry kalfa came because i ran away.

I walked in the golden way that led to the room of our great Sultan in front of the gigantic door that led to him.

Finally I would have seen him face to face but the conditions are very different.

I wonder how he will see me, like the impertinent girl or the cook who has no right to ride horses or as concubine.

I entered the silent room, filled with candles super spacious with a gigantic bed it was a beautiful and very comfortable room with a terrace in front of it with a breathtaking view.

Then there was him standing facing me with his back, as I was told I went on my knees in the middle of the room.

I wouldn't have given it up to him but I couldn't start on the offensive I had to play my cards right, and if one day he wants me naked in that bed he has to sweat for it.

I heard light footsteps enter the room and a small shiver began to run through my body how much power he had over me it was truly amazing and his aura so big and confident that it followed him wherever he went.

He lowered to my level on his knees and looked into my eyes a strange glint there was in them, they were beautiful as always indeed if not even more beautiful the colors of the room the illuminating candles that gave a familiar air to the room making you immediately relax.

I immediately lowered my gaze to see what he would do and in fact as soon as he took my cheeks I bit him as hard as I could.

I immediately looked up with an angry  face and he didn't seem the least bit surprised by this.

"I thought something was strange, you were too quiet and obedient" that little smile that I wanted to slap away from his stupid and good-looking  face that he has.

"So why did you call me if you already know my reaction, I'll tell you now and I won't let myself repeat Osman I'm not a toy you use to satisfy your desire, you'll never have me" I said pointing a finger in his direction

"Damn, too bad I was actually thinking about it, you are the most beautiful woman my eyes have ever seen...." he slowly approached me to caress my face and I began to melt.


I took his hand and pulled it off my face, "Too bad as you said I'll just be something beautiful that you see and that you will never have" I said approaching him in turn causing him to be shocked..

I pulled away from him and started walking around the room as if I owned it, maybe one day....

I walked over to the desk in the room and sat in his chair and watched him
"Osman, if you may sit down, I want to talk to you about something" I said, pointing to the chair in front of the desk.


My Sultana from another time Where stories live. Discover now