Chapter 2

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In a moment I  felt my body on a surface at the touch it feels fresh but pungent it seems like grass, I felt a cold sensation that ran through my body accompanied by goosebumps that made me shiver from the cold it seemed as if I was wet underneath the biting but cold sun.

Slowly I opened my eyes I was lying down and in my vision I saw only big green trees that moved like a sweet and gentle melody from the fresh wind of on early autumn.

I was almost enchanted by so much beauty, I looked trying to photograph every detail of that beautiful scene in my memory.

After some time I closed my eyes again thinking about what happened to me and  I said to myself that this was the beautiful paradise, even though I was in paradise I still felt pain in my head and it made me tingling and that moment of tranquility turned into a painful one migraine, I touched the wound and there were residues of blood on my fingers but how was it possible if I was here in heaven, I shouldn't have been a wandering soul or that was how it works here in heaven.

"Feeling better," said a deep voice near me and I whirled around to find a man in just a white shirt with his chest showing brown pants and boots and the weirdest thing is that he was speaking in Turkish.

I looked at him approaching slowly saying in a low voice I said in Turkish "Oh you're here in heaven too luckily I'm not alone because my head still hurts" I said in a whisper as if there was a god listening behind the tree.

"Hatun I don't know how hard the blow to the head was but I have to say a lot because the way you're speaking is very strange" he said with a small smile

"Shhhhhh don't talk loud or god will hear us and then he might rethink his decision and send me to hell" I said in a whisper...

"Well then if what you say was true then Allah should have already sent me to hell before I even saw a spark of heavenly light" he said chuckling as he started to eat some wild fruit I assume.

After these exchanged words there was only silence and nothing else, in reality he was really a handsome man and I always felt a little uncomfortable next to one because I was a girl not so loved by the male gender, when I went out with my friends I was the  ugly friend who was always ignored by men.

Suddenly he got up straightening his clothes and turned to me
"Hatun I have to go, this certainly isn't heaven and I found you in the water of this lake where you were drowning, it seems that someone hates you so much that they hit you on the head and then threw you into the water" he said explaining the situation
"Şhezade we have to go or we'll be late and the sultan said that in a week he want to see you" said a not-so-old man after bowing

"Şhezade? Sultan? what the fuck is going on are you kidding me what is this what a set for a film or what are you stupid" I said not understanding anything, the headache was getting worse and worse I felt lost and alone and in that moment an emptiness in my stomach it formed making me feel uncomfortable and not safe.

"Hatun I hope you have a speed recovery," the man said before turning to leave.

And now what would have happened to me if I don't even know where I am and what this place is and why I was in the lake after the blow to the head.
FUCK I swore in my head as many insults as I could that I didn't even know I knew.

"Wait please" I said a little louder and my heart was pounding and I didn't even know what to do.

"What's up now Hatun," the man said before turning to me

"I don't know how to say this but could you please help me," I said gesturing with my hands and speaking casually

"Hatun I don't even know your name how can I help you" he said and started to turn and leave but I suddenly stood up and went over to him taking his arm with my hands..

"I'm Isabella and.... what's your name" I said and  he looked at me with a strange and incredulous look that said 'this girl is crazy'....


Here another chapter and there is also the third chapter....

By Nuha

My Sultana from another time Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin