Chapter 4

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"God save me," he sighed, already regretting his decision.

Osman got on his horse and was about to start going....

"Osman and me..." I said pointing a finger at myself....

"You are going to walk. Cooks don't have the privilege of riding a horse"
how dare this stupid Osman, I was already sick and now I have to walk to where he live in his residence....

When I thought I was going to walk the way, I remembered that my firends used to call me Drama Queen.

"OHHHHHHH" I yelled holding my head as if I were about to die.

"How cruel you are Osman I didn't think you were like that" I said making a hurt face, he stopped and looked at me for a few seconds and then came over me with the horse..


I knew he would fall for it I have to say in the era of the Ottomans the guys were quite stupid if I had done the same when I was in the future they would have made fun of me obviously not believing me.

When he was close he easily slipped off the horse and approached me extending his hand towards me, I looked at his hand for a few seconds and then my eyes met his again

slowly I approached him and took his hand , he gently pulled me closer to his body with a hand on my hips, I felt his breath on my neck his touch so gentle and tender he made me melt in his arms

with his strength he grabbed me and helped me to get on the horse with both legs on one side, probably because I was wearing a dress that I don't even know where is from

and in one jump he sat down behind me, then he took his jacket and covered my shoulders from the cold of that afternoon which was becoming evening, then he put the warm fur hood on me and finally I felt warm and safe the warmth of the jacket was so reassuring.

He circled my waist taking the reins of the horse to set it off and so the journey began, although to say journey is a big  word because we were only 40 minutes away from his residence.

When we arrived the guards bowed to Şhezade, and it was getting more and more real to me i looked around under the fur hood beacuse I was curious about his residence.

I can say that it's gorgeous i was shocked by the big garden, the flowers, the trees, the people walking around doing the their job's

Osman didn't stop and continued riding until he reached a somewhat isolated place he got off the horse and then helped me.

He took off my hood and looked into my eyes
“No words about today, no one needs to know and you don't mess around,” he said pointing his finger at me with an angry look.

I said nothing and so I nodded my head.

"Şhezade welcome," a woman in her fifties bowed

"Cennet Kalfa this is a new girl and she will work in the kitchen I want you  to show her theroom and change her clothes" Osman said taking back the fur jacket that kept me warm

"Sure Şhezade don't worry," the woman said with a bow

I looked Osman straight in the eye one last time before I was pulled by this Kalfa who grabbed my arm hard to pull me after her, and still my eyes didn't leave his.....


Well I wanted to update today because I had few chapters ready and the chapter is not long, next chapter I will make it longer

I hope you will like my story, I really try to write a good book...


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