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Unlike many fantasy worlds (and otherworldly planes) created by other writers, "The Mouse Deer Society" is heavily inspired by folktales, horror stories and even real-life incidents within the Nusantara region (the Malay Archipelago) where black magic and ghostly figures are believed to still exist.

A Dukun or loosely translated to a shaman or witch doctor is still someone that we either respect or fear for their practice and skills even now.

Nevertheless, despite what you know about these tales passed down by our ancestors and people you might have met to be a practising Dukun, I ask that you leave any knowledge you have on them upon entering Lyra's, Meera's, and Suri's stories.

As you must know, "The Mouse Deer Society" is my version of the familiar stories we were told as children; the terrifying Oil Man who terrorises women at night and shamans who make agreements with Djinns or the devil so that they are granted immense powers. It's familiar but not quite the same.

If you happen to not know anything of this strange and ancient world of the Nusantara - fret not - I will be providing a glossary that will contain added information on some topics specific to my culture and traditions as well as the rules and principles of "The  Mouse Deer Society."

Welcome, but before you come in, leave your shoes at the door, wash your feet from the cold water in that brown clay urn, and enter with your right foot first.

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