Chapter-45(We're married)

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Hello darlings.. Here the chapter..

After lost their breathe in many rounds they felt tired. How they end up only one round after all this years. In every round they felt their love getting strong. They felt how each other love aching to explore one of another through wild love making.

Magnus only said one word like mantra it's 'Alexander' and for Alec it's 'Magnus'. After playing wrestling on the bed they got into the bathroom and took hot bath while making hot love. They lying on the bed completely tired. Their body felt numb. But they kissed each other numb lips until they drifting into the sleep.

In the afternoon..
Magnus was slowly opened his eyes and looked at Alec's bare chest who was hugged Magnus tightly while sleeping. Magnus kissed his chest and wrapped his hand around Alec's torso. He felt Alec's body completely because they're naked.

They didn't have strength to put clothes because their love making drained their stamina. Magnus chuckled thinking about Alec's dirty talks. It's rare because Alec only could talk dirty when he's in high. Magnus fingers traced Alec's face.

Alec groaned in sleep. So Magnus pulled his hand and kissed those plump lips. But Magnus thought something it's about their marriage yes they got married but not in official. He want to talk about it to Alec. He knows Alec could think about this but he didn't know why it's disturb him.

Maybe he lost his Alec one time that's the reason he wants it to make official. He has no strength to leave or lose this man. His thoughts vanished when his husband kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes and felt safe. Alec pulled his face and looked at Magnus confused.

No one can read Magnus as open book expect Alec. He knows what Magnus thinking and what he's feeling only seeing into his brown eyes. Magnus shook his head as 'nothing' but Alec got from bed and stood up nakedly.

It's not new they seeing each other like that but every time they saw each other naked body they felt butterflies in their stomach that's what happening now in Magnus stomach. He looked at Alec head to toe. Alec smirked but said.

Alec: You've five minutes.. Once I got back from bathroom you're going to tell what's bothering you..
He left the room into the bathroom. Magnus sat on the bed and put his hand on his face. Alec came in three minutes. Magnus looked up.

Alec: Okay start..
He said while putting his pant. Magnus didn't know how to start so Alec understood him and said.
Alec: Magnus.. You know you can talk to me everything.. What is it baby?
He said and sat on the bed in front of Magnus.
Mags: Baby..

Alec: Wait.. Before you say anything I want to talk about one important thing..(Magnus looked at him seriously) It's about our marriage.. I know I arranged everything fast but it's not official right? I recorded our marriage so we can ready our marriage certificate or if you want we can marry again officially in front of our family and friends.. It's your choice I'm okay with your decision..
Magnus sat fully shocked because he also want to talk about this but Alec beats him.

Mags: Did you read my mind?
Alec: No.. Why?
He said laughing.
Mags: I also want to talk about this same matter Alexander.. But you..
He smiled and looked at Alec.
Mags: Before doing anything can we talk to our mothers? Because you know it's maybe shock to them so I want they accept our decision before we doing it officially..

Alec put his hand each side of Magnus face and said.
Alec: So you want to marry me again?
He asked in a teasing way. Magnus bit his lower lip and nodded his head with a shy smile.
Mags: So we can go to our another honeymoon..

Alec laughed because he was shy one second but now talked flirty.
Alec: Staying with you everyday is a honeymoon to me baby..
Magnus hugged him and kissed Alec's shoulder. Alec hugged him return. They pulled back and Alec said.

Alec: One second..
He took his phone from nightstand and gave it Magnus. Magnus took it.
Alec: Call my mom.. Wait.. I got idea.. Why we don't talk to our mother-in-law.?
Magnus smiled sweetly at Alec and said 'yes'.

So first Magnus type mayrse number in his phone but before he going to press call button he stood up and wore his pant. Alec laughed and asked.
Alec: What are you doing?
Mags: Because I don't want my mother-in-law hear my moans.. Because if I sat nakedly next to you I know your hands isn't stay with you more than five minutes..
Alec again laughed loudly because he knows it was true.

Alec: Magnus first I want to talk to your mother.. Because you talk to my mom isn't problem but your mom must be angry at me.. So I want to do first..
Magnus smiled at Alec. Magnus knows his mom must be angry at Alec because what Alec did to him but he appreciate Alec want to finish his mother insecure about their relationship so he nodded and gave his mother number.

*Mary: Hello..
Alec: Hello mo- Ms. Mary..
Mary once said don't call me mom so he said formally.
Mary: Who's this?
Alec: I'm Alec..
Magnus put the call on speaker. He saw nervous in Alec's eyes but he kissed cheek.
Mary: Why did you call me?
Magnus face changed.

Alec: I want to talk about me and Magnus..
Mary: What? Magnus? Alec lightwood.. I already warned you.. I can't see my son in pain again.. You already betrayed him once I never let you do that again..
Before Magnus say anything Alec interrupt.
Alec: Mam I also already told you I'll never hurt him.. He's my world I did mistake but I realized.. I also can't see him in pain..

Magnus hugged him in sideway. They heard Mary laughed.
Mary: Do you think I believe you-
He shouted. Alec also startled.
Mary: Magnus?
Mags: You're talking with my HUSBAND..
Mary: Husband? What are you talking about?
Magnus knows his mom is a wonderful mother but he can't let anyone talk about his man.

Alec: Magnus-
Mags: Yes mom.. We're married..
Silence filled the room before Mary say anything.
Mary: When?
Mags: Yesterday..
Mary: I got fear after you said you got your memories back.. Magnus you took a big decision.. I'm not going to do anything about that but I saw you in pain.. I want you to think about decision before take but it happened..

Mags: I believes in him mom.. He did because he wanted to save my life..
Alec looked at the bed without saying anything.
Mary: There is no use to talk about what happened in the past.. Because you said you married him.. I wish I want to see my son's marriage.. it's okay.. Your happiness is only matter to me.. Say wishes to your husband..*

She chuckled before hang up the call. Magnus also smiled but when he saw Alec's sad voice he put the phone on the bed and sat on Alec's lap.
Mags: Baby..
Alec: Umm..
He lifted Alec's face to look into his eyes.
Mags: I'm sorry for what she said-
But his words cut off by Alec who put his finger on Magnus lips. Magnus kissed it so Alec chuckled.

Alec: I'm the one who want to say sorry..
Mags: Alec you said it more than enough.. I already forgave you.. Believe me she'll..
Alec: I understood her Magnus.. She's your mother so she cared about you..
Mags: Is there's a chance someone get understanding husband like me?
Alec smiled at Magnus words.

He pulled Magnus closely so Magnus grapped Alec's hair while putting hands around Alec's neck. Magnus wrapped his legs around Alec's waist so Alec can put his hand on Magnus ass. Magnus gasped.

Alec: I love you baby.. You're my everything..
He said with a love and adorable eyes. Magnus felt shivers down his veins.
Mags: I love you my Alexander..
They pressed their lips and started licking before sucked each others lips like it's their breakfast.

Alec heart's filled with happiness because Magnus didn't let even his mother talk about him. He thought he's a luckiest man. Because he have a supporting and a beautiful man as his husband..!

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