Chapter-28(I'm not jealous)

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When they came into the living room. They saw Mary lying on the floor without breathing. Stella ran towards her and lifted her face and shouted.

Stella: Mom..What happened? Open your eyes.. Magnus?
Magnus stood up without moving. He didn't know what to do. He stood up like he was paralyzed.

Stella: Magnus?
She shouted again. Magnus moved and ran towards Mary and cried loud.
Stella: I'll call ambulance..
She called. And the ambulance came. While going to hospital Magnus cried and called 'mom' so many times.

They took her into the ICU room. Magnus sat near the bench crying like there is no tomorrow. Because his mother was everything to him. He closed his eyes with hands and cried. Stella sat beside him crying. She put his hand on Magnus shoulder and said.

Stella: Magnus.. She'll be alright.. Please don't cry.. She'll be okay.. Magnus..
She said but Magnus didn't look calm from her voice.

After two hours. Doctor came out from the ICU room. Magnus stood up and walked faster. Stella also walked along with him.

Mags: D-doctor.. What happened to my mom? Is she alright now? Can I see her?
He asked all in one sentence with a panic.
Doc: Mr. Bane.. First relax.. You know she already have heart problem right? Now she had heart attack..
Before he continue Magnus shouted.
Mags: How? You said after that major surgery she'll be alright.. But now..
he gripped doctor's shirt and cried.
Stella: Magnus..

Mags: Answer me..
Doc: Magnus stay calm.. We also thought she'll alright but there is something happened.. I already said to you don't say anything to give shock her.. But it's happened because she shocked about something so her blood pressure increased that's the reason she had heart attack..
Magnus loosen his shirt and thought about something.

Doc: We gave a treatment to her.. Now her blood pressure is normal.. She'll open her eyes after five hours.. Don't say anything to affect her mind.. So don't panic.. You can see  your mother after one hour Magnus..
He hugged Magnus and patted his shoulder. Dr. David He's the one of a friend of Magnus. He knew how much she important to Magnus. After he left. Stella saw someone ran towards Magnus.

When she looked up she saw Alec. Her face confused and she didn't know why he walked towards them untill Alec touched Magnus shoulder. Magnus looked up and saw Alec. Once he saw his love he hugged him and cried loudly. They landed on the floor. But Alec hugged tight.

Alec: It's okay baby.. It's okay.. She'll be alright..
He felt wetness touched his eyes because he couldn't't control his own tears when Magnus cried like a lifeless man. Stella saw everything and walked outside of the hospital. Alec could see it but he didn't care now.

He smoothen Magnus back while said everything will be okay. Alec heard Magnus sniffles in the crook of his neck. He kissed Magnus head. Some people passed the way but it's a big hospital so no one care them. After some time Magnus stopped crying and pulled back from Alec.

Alec removed the hair from Magnus fore head. Then Magnus realized where they are so he stood up while pulled Alec. Magnus looked around but he couldn't find Stella.

Alec: Magnus.. What you searching?
Mags: Stella..
Alec: She left out after saw us..
Mags: Ohh..
Magnus turned to sit but Alec held his hand. So he turned and saw at Alec with a tired eyes. Alec held his face and kissed his fore head. Magnus closed his eyes again.

Tears fell down again from his eyes Alec wiped and they sat on the bench. Magnus put his head on Alec's shoulder. Alec caressed his back. He wore hia hoodie so on one can find him.

After one hour Magnus entered into ICU room. The tears rolled down from his eyes but he control. He saw his mother lying on the bed helplessly. He didn't know what happened but he thought if she heard what Magnus said about his love to Stella she didn't shock this much but he was scared. If she went because of that he can't forgive himself. So he went out of room after cried a lot. He saw Alec stood up out.

Mags: Alexander you can go home.. I'll be fine..
Alec: No.. I can't.. How I can go when you're in pain.. I'll stay with you until mom wake up..
Magnus at him because he liked it when Alec calls his mom like Alec's mom. He nodded. Magnus called Stella so she came. When she saw Alec she didn't say anything she say next to Magnus. Alec moved close to Magnus and asked.

Alec: Did she..
Mags: Yeah.. She knows..
Stella heard it but didn't give any reaction.
Mags: Stella.. If you want you can go.. I'll take care..
Stella: Shut up..
Magnus surprised but sat silently. Alec knew they're friends before engaged so he sat silently too. After two hours Stella slept while sitting on the bench. Without her knowledge she put his head on Magnus. So Magnus looked at Alec. Alec smiled and said.

Alec: It's okay.. I'm not jealous.. Because I know you only love me..
He winked at Magnus. Magnus put his head on Alec and slept while thinking what happened to her mom what she heard what cause her shocked.

Alec: Magnus.. Magnus.. Wake up.. It passed almost five hours..
Magnus awake and breathed hard. Alec held his face in his hand. Stella stood up in front of Mary's room.
Alec: Relax.. Go and see your mom.. Don't get panic and don't talk about anything.. Talk like everyday you do.. Okay..?

Magnus nodded and got up. He entered into the room with a fear. When felt someone coming Mary opened his and saw at her son. She smiled but one drop of tears fell from her eyes. Magnus wiped it and his eyed filled with tears. But he fighting to control it.

Mary: Ma-
She try to speak through the ventilator but she couldn't so Magnus said.
Mags: Shh.. mom it's it's okay.. Relax don't speak.. You ne-need rest.. You'll be fi-fine..
Mary shook her head and said.
Marys: He-he called me thro-through a phone..

Before she continued nurse came and said 'Mr. Bane stay outside I'm going to check her' so Magnus kissed her cheek and left the room. After got out of the room Magnus thought what his mother just said. 'He' Magnus knew who the person, his anger got high but now he want to stay near his mom so he controlled himself. The person is 'Asmodeous'..!

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