Chapter-23(i love you)

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One Lamborghini car stopped in front of the diamond store. Magnus went out of the car with a smile. He entered into the store and asked.

Mags: Excuse me.. I'm Magnus Bane.. I ordered diamond ring yesterday..
Worker: One minute sir..
She checked the list in laptop and said.
Worker: Yes sir.. Please wait two minutes..

She called her co-worker and the next minute  a co-worker came with a small ring box. Before he going to pack it as a gift Magnus stopped him.
Mags: Don't pack it..

He bought it and went into his car. He already paid it. Once his car stopped in front of the hotel where Alec's send him the address his heart beat raised.

He wore black with navy blue color dress. He knew he looked more good today. Because it's a special day for him. But in the corner of his heart he felt fear.

His heart try to believe Alec will accept his love but what if? He shocked his head to clear that negative thoughts. He went to the room. He knows Alec already came. So he stood up nervously. He adjusted his shirt and put the ring box in his coat pocket.

After took a deep breathe he opened the door. Once he entered into the room he saw Alec stood up in the side of the bed.

The room was decorated full of red roses and some different color flowers. He looked around the room and finally saw at Alec.

Alec's back only showed to Magnus. Magnus confusingly closed the door and called him.

Mags: Alec?
Alec turned and kneeled down in front of Magnus. Magnus back away little without knowing what was happening.

Alec held the ring in front of Magnus while kneeling. Alec licked his lips before start his talk.

Alec: Magnus Bane.. The name Magnus was perfectly match on your uniqueness.. Yeah.. You're the most fashionable person I've ever met.. You're kind and beautiful.. You're voice is a music it's giving me a peace more than any other instrument.. I'm ready to hear it everyday..

I hear my name is from your mouth like it's a key of giving energy to my all nerves.. I don't think it's this much powerful when you call me with my full name.. You're a person every man and woman want to live with a uncountable times..

I saw you late but when i saw you my heart skipped a beat for the first time.. I never thought even in my dream I'm going to share my bed with you..

First I thought it's just a lust but the feelings are build inside my heart without ask my permission..(he chuckled) Your eyes shine like a star in the sky.. If you're the star I'm a sky.. When you call me 'baby' it's giving me a safe feel..

I want to hear your moan under my breathe.. I want to hold you tight when you need my warmness.. I'll do everything to hold you safe in my arms Magnus.. I hope we can solve every problem together.. I thought I can control my feelings but I couldn't control it anymore..

Alec took a deep breath before continue. Magnus saw at him with a shocking face. His heart beat like it could come outside anytime.

Alec: Magnus Bane.. I'm.. Alexander lightwood in love. with. you.. I fell on your soul before I fell on your body.. I want to live my life holding your hands.. I love you Magnus..

He stood up with a ring in his hand. It's a diamond ring. A word 'Love'(pink color) and the infinite symbol settle in the middle of the ring in a diamond stones. It's elegant and it's will match on Magnus every granted dress.

Alec looked into Magnus eyes with a expectation of Magnus would accept his love. But Magnus just stood up like a statue. He didn't know what to do. Alec waiting.. Waiting.. Waiting.. But there is no response from Magnus.

So he thought Magnus gonna reject his proposal. His heart crashed down like a million pieces. Before Magnus gonna say a work of 'No Alec' something like that Alec walked towards the door.

Before he went out of the room he put the ring on the table. Magnus came his sense after heard the door sound. He realized Alec thought he would reject him so he left.

Mags: Oh shit.. What I did..
He walked towards the door. But he stopped when Alec again opening the door and entered into the room. He took the ring. Now Magnus shocked. He now thinking Alec gonna give a ring to Elizabeth because of his rejection.

But he didn't reject him. He just shocked and surprised. Before Magnus begged him. Alec moved close to Magnus and said. He hold the ring in front of Magnus face.

Alec: I forgot to tell this.. I don't think I can live without you Magnus.. If you accept or not this ring is only for you..
His face looked like a emotionless man. Magnus felt something stabbed in his heart.

Alec held Magnus hand and put the ring in his hand before walked towards the door. Alec gripped the knob of the door but stopped when Magnus called him.

Mags: Alexander!!
He called him and ran towards him. Once he jumped on him Alec held him in his arms. Magnus wrapped his legs and hands around Alec's body.

Alec didn't know why Magnus doing it but he hugged him tight. After some minutes of hugging Magnus landed in his foot on the floor. Alec pulled his hand back from Magnus.

Magnus gave a ring box to Alec. Alec's face again went into the sadness. But he took it.
Mags: Put it on my ring..
Alec surprised at the word's of Magnus. He smiled and looked at Magnus with a teary eyes. Magnus felt tears forming in his eyes. But he try to control it.

Alec held Magnus left hand and put the ring in Magnus ring finger. He kissed it before ask anything to Magnus. Without giving any reply Magnus took the ring he bought for Alec. Alec looked at him confusingly.

Mags: I bought it for you to propose you.. But you beat me.. How you thought I reject you Alec.?
(He asked straight to Alec. Alec shocked)
Mags: I thought you're gonna reject me.. No one can reject you.. You're a gem Alexander..

(he put his hand on Alec's cheek. Alec melting into his touch) I couldn't believe when you proposed me.. I felt like I'm in a dream.. I'm sorry baby..
(Both are chuckled. Tears are flowing from their eyes)

Mags: Alexander Lightwood..(He said while kneeling in front of Alec) I'm in love you madly.. Unconditionally.. You're my sunshine.. We'll stand for our love together.. I'll never leave you in this lifetime.. You stole my words to gave me a best proposal in the world.. I love you till my last breathe.. I've no words to describe my happiness now.. You gave me a different feelings I'm surly say no one will can give me this feelings not this much strong.. Your eyes are my success way.. I want to see it everyday.. I want to wakeup in your arms.. I want to live this life beside you.. Beside this beautiful man.. I love  you.. I love you so much Alexander..

Alec whipped Magnus tears and nodded his head. Magnus held Alec's hand and put the ring on it. When he looked at Alec's eyes Alec said 'I love you'. And the next second they're kissing like there is no tomorrow..!

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