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They sat on the bench silently. Alec waiting for Magnus to start talk but Magnus didn't seem like he's going to speak so he looked at the man next to him. Before he asked he saw Magnus licked his lips. the way his tongue licked his Alec's breathe struck in his throat. He gulped. Magnus caramel skin glows from the dime light. Before he gripped Magnus face and eating his lips Magnus looked at him and asked.

Mags: What?
Alec: Nothing..
He looked down.
Mags: Alexander..
Alec: Hmm..
Mags: Can you kiss me again? Please..
Alec looked at him surprisingly and nodded his head like he got a jackpot.

Magnus moved closer to him. Before Magnus leaned in Alec cupped his face and smashed his lips on Magnus. Magnus surprised at the sudden move but he closed his eyes and melting into Alec's lips. Alec took what he want. He licked Magnus lips and entered into his lips forcefully. Magnus sucked Alec's lower lip while Alec sucked his upper lip. They doesn't care about they want air to breathe.

Alec pulled him as much as possible. So Magnus moved closer and sat on his lap. Alec's hand went to Magnus ass. Magnus moaned into the hot kiss. Alec squeeze his ass so Magnus pulled back from the kiss and breathed hard. Alec also breathing heavily. He saw at Magnus with a lustful eyes but he control himself and asked.

Alec: Now.. Are you okay with talking now?
Magnus nodded and got up on Alec's lap but Alec stopped him and said.
Alec: You can talk while sat on my lap..
Magnus smiled at him shyly and hugged Alec without thinking. Alec smiled and hugged back. They pulled back with a nervous smile. Because they felt now they want each other not only their body but because their embrace and it is new for them.

Mags: I was born in Indonesia.. When I was 10 my father leave us.. My mother went into a depression state.. But she took care of me well.. She thought if we live in Indonesia it'll also affect my life so we moved to New York.. I studied well.. She married another man but it's not affect me because my step father also took care of me like I'm his own son.. In my school days I wrote short poems.. After entered into a college I found writing is my talent.. So I wrote stories and published it.. But it not got famous.. But when my mom motive me I again wrote a book.. It got famous.. Everyone gave a credits and congrats me.. And one company voluntarily gave a chance to write a great book.. I struggled several months to write it.. But as my exceptions it got famous and I also became a famous writer.. And about my love life..
Alec looked at him without say anything. Magnus moved and sat comfortably on Alec's lap. He took a deep breathe and said.

Mags: I fell in love with you know Camille.. But she wasn't love me.. But I loved her truly.. I found she was cheating on me it's broke my heart.. But it's not affect me as I thought because it's a short period like one or two months.. so I passed out easily.. After in work I met Stella.. She is working in the cini field as a music director.. She knows me since my college days.. But I get to know her after one party.. We got close as a friend after few days we met.. She confess her feelings on me.. But I have no feelings on her..

Suddenly one day my mom not wake up so I called her.. We took her to the hospital.. Doctor said she was weak and she need rest.. Stella took care of my mom very well.. I know why she did it.. She did it not only a humanity she loved me that's why she helped me.. One day Stella proposed me but I asked her to give a time for me to think.. My mom said she want to see my marriage before her death.. It's broke my heart.. So I thought what I can do.. I thought a lot and made a decision to marry Stella.. So I said yes to her.. It's a reason for we engaged..

He was finished his story and looked into Alec's eyes. Alec don't know what to say. But his mind said hug him tightly. But he cupped Magnus face and kissed his forehead. Magnus closed his when felt Alec's lips on his head. He felt safe and comfortable around him. They pulled back and Alec said.

Alec: You went through a lot of difficulties in your past life more than me Magnus.. You're a strongest man.. You'll get the all happiness.. My beautiful glittery man..(my? He thought tension formed into his body but Magnus put his forehead on Alec and smiled)

Mags: Thank you Alexander..
Suddenly Alec's phone buzzed so Magnus went off his lap and sat on the bench. His heart full filled with a happiness and peace. Alec attend the call and went to entrance of the rooftop. Magnus looked back at him but he saw Alec came two icecreams in his hand. So he smiled. Alec gave one to Magnus and licked his own ice cream while sat closely to Magnus. Magnus took it and licked.

While they eating some ice cream stick with Magnus nose. Alec laughed but Magnus asked him why he laughing. Alec moved close to him. Magnus felt Alec's breathe hit on his lips so try to see Alec's eyes to know what he'll do. But Alec licked his nose and backed away.

Alec: Don't except too much.. You eat like child.. So I cleaned you..
He said and smirked. Magnus got idea to keep him close so he took one spoon ice cream and put it on his cheek. Alec looked at him and laughed lightly. Magnus acted like he did nothing. Alec cupped his face and licked it from his cheek. Magnus moaned and breathed hard. Alec backed away but Magnus took another spoon ice cream put it on his neck without breaking eye conduct with Alec. Alec's eyes turned black because of the lust. He pulled Magnus and licked Magnus neck and swallowed the ice cream.

Mags: Ahh..
He moaned it turned on Alec so he pushed Magnus on the bench and pulled up his shirt roughly. Magnus was surprised but he didn't stopped him. Alec took ice cream put it on Magnus stomach. He licked it and sucked hard making Magnus moaned loudly and closed his eyes. His hand gripped the edge of the bench. Alec saw Magnus body reacted by his touch. He smiled devilishly and put another spoon ice cream on Magnus nipples. He ate it and sucked Magnus nipples like it's a tasty food. Magnus fingers gripped Alec's messy hair tightly.

Mags: Ahhh.. Alex-Alexander.. You're lips are magical.. Ahh.. Yes.. It's feel so good baby..
After heard Magnus words he couldn't control himself. So he removed Magnus shirt and his own. Magnus removed his pant too before Alec asked. So Alec looked at him and smirked.

Alec: You're a impatient man..
Mags: You're too Alexander..
They laughed and removed their dress. They lying on the floor all naked. After preparing Magnus and heard his crying from the pleasure Alec went inside of him.

Mags: Oh God.. Alexander..
He moaned breathlessly.
Alec: If you calling my name like that I'll never stop fucking you..
Magnus laughed and looked into Alec's blue eyes.
Mags: Then I'll keep calling you Alexander..
He felt Alec moved him fast so he tugged his nails in Alec's body and his other hand pulled Alec by his ass. Alec took the liquid ice cream and pour on Magnus nipples. He sucked hard while increased a pace. Magnus panting and groaned. He pulled Alec to smashed his lips. They again felt the strong feeling build into their hearts. The fucking is not a right word though because they could feel their soul also mixed together. They saw stars after Alec pulled them to a edge. After Alec filled him he lying next to Magnus. They breathed hard. But Alec pulled Magnus face and kissed him slowly yet lovingly.

Alec: It's amazing..
Mags: Yeah.. It's amazing and hot as fuck.. Ahh..
Alec: It's the best sex of my life..
Mags: Me too baby..
Alec kissed Magnus again. Magnus hugged him and put his face on Alec's chest. Alec put his hand around Magnus and kissed his head. Magnus smiled and hugged him tightly as much as possible.

After some time..
Alec: I'm leaving tomorrow..
Magnus eyes snapped open and he pulled back himself from Alec.
Mags: What the fuck Alexander.?!

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