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Mags: What the fuck Alexander?
He said and sat on the floor. Alec also sat next to him.
Alec: Magnus I already-
But Magnus cut him off.
Mags: I also said already please stay two more days.. Didn't I?
Alec looked down and nodded his head.
Mags: Look at me.. What do you think? Huh? You already took a decision so you'll leave tomorrow.. Right Alec? I asked because I want to spend more time with you.. But you didn't felt like me.. Now I understood.. Ok bye..

He stood up and put his dress. Alec also put his dress on his naked body and said.
Alec: Magnus please understand me.. I have shooting After tomorrow.. And Elizabeth have a meeting.. So I have no option Magnus..
Mags: I understand Alec.. Good bye..
Alec held Magnus hand but Magnus pulled his hand back and walked away.

But Alec stopped him and pushed him back of the wall forcefully. Magnus winced and try to escape from Alec but Alec pressed Magnus both hands above his head. His other hand gripped Magnus hips and his body completely flesh on Magnus.

Mags: Leave me..
He said while struggling but Alec's hand only tighten on his hips. He moved closer. Magnus could feel Alec's breathe on his lips but he looked away. So Alec held his face to look into Magnus eyes. Magnus closed his eyes stubbornly. So Alec pressed his lips on Magnus. It's a powerful kiss so Magnus gasped but he didn't kiss him back. When he gasped Alec took a advantage and entered his tongue into Magnus mouth.

Mags: Mmmmm..
He moaned and Tried to release his hands but Alec didn't allow. After some kisses he gave up and reacted the kiss slowly. He couldn't stood up without responding this breathtaking kiss easily. After Alec explored every inches of his mouth he backed away to give time for Magnus to catch his breathe. He leaned his forehead on Magnus.

Alec: Please.. I also want to spend time with you.. I can't let you go like this Magnus.. We both are living in New York.. So we can meet more often.. I promise I'll meet you when I'm free or you're free.. If you leave me like this I can't concentrate at work..
He said calmly and released Magnus hands.  He moved away from Magnus and looked at him. Magnus slowly opened his eyes and looked at Alec's pleading eyes. It's broke his heart but he also felt hurt.

Mags: You promise?
Alec nodded his head and smiled softly.
Mags: But I don't think we'll meet after leave this place.. Let's hope-
But Alec put his finger on Magnus lips to shut him.
Alec: Stop Magnus.. I know you are hurt but please think from my side I also hurt as you.. I'm sure our feelings are true so we'll meet and spend time together..
Magnus closed his eyes and leaned back on the wall. He convince himself and opened his eyes.

Mags: Don't make me wait so long..
Alec smiled and said.
Alec: I never felt this connection with any other person before you.. I'll meet you soon baby.. Take care yourself..
Magnus melting in Alec's sweet words and he pulled Alec and pressed their lips. It's a beautiful loving kiss. It's filled with full of passion and emotions. They shared not only a kisses but their feelings towards each other. Alec could feel how Magnus will miss him because of his passionate kiss.

They pulled back and put their forehead together.
Mags: Take care of yourself too Alexander..
He said and smiled. After some time they left that place and went to their room sad. The fear of lose each other increase in their heart but they convince like 'it's not possible'. Because they could feel it's a true feelings.

In the morning..
Alec and Elizabeth went out of the room with their bags. Magnus and Stella also came out of the door for say goodbye to them.
Eli: Bye Stella and Magnus.. You two are an amazing people.. I'm happy for met you two here..
She said and hugged Stella. Alec looked at Magnus. Magnus eyes also looked at him. It said lot of things Alec could only read. Stella smiled and said.

Stella: Yeah.. I didn't expect you Alec.. I'm happy to met you and your wife.. If we have luck we'll meet at New York.. Bye see you guys.. Have a nice journey..
She said lovingly. Alec smiled and shook her hand. He looked at Magnus so Magnus also gave his hand for shake. Alec tightly gripped his hand and smirked.

Magnus struggled but took his hand back while smiling. Because both girls are watched at them. They walked out of the hotel. Stella and Magnus stood up in the entrance of hotel and saw at them leaving. Before enter into the car Elizabeth kissed Alec's cheek. Magnus felt jealous and looked away.

Alec saw it but suddenly Magnus pulled Stella and kissed her on her cheek. Now Alec got jealous. His anger build in his mind but he can't do anything now so he got into the car. Magnus smiled at the site of jealousy Alec. Alec's car left the hotel. But suddenly Magnus phone buzzed. He opened his phone and saw a message from Alec. He walked away from Stella and opened it.

'A: If your lips touch any other skin I'll cut and eat it..
M: You know you can eat without cutting my lips..(winked)
A: Fuck your fucking tease.. Magnus I already missing you..
M: Me too.. Come to me soon..'

Magnus felt like crying it's only a five minutes but Alec said he missed him Magnus also felt the same thing. Both are start it based on affection but it's look like a serious relationship. They couldn't deny this feeling and stay away from each other.

In the afternoon..
Magnus entered into the room after thought a lot's of things. Stella was sat on the bed and she using his phone. Magnus moved close to her and asked.
Mags: Stella.. Can we go to a New York.?

So what do guys thinking about what will happen next..?

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