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In the night..
Magnus was sat on the bed with a bright smile on his face because it's 10.45 already so he looked very excited to see Alec. But when Stella stepped out of the bathroom his smile faded. He lying on the bed casually. Stella went near him and asked.

Stella: Magnus?
Mags: Hmm..
He opened his eyes and sat on the bed.
Stella: Can we make love now..
She asked softly but Magnus eyes Widened open. His breathe changed his mind went blank. But Stella put her hand on his thigh because he zoned out.

Stella: Are you okay?
Mags: Oh.. Yeah yeah.. I'm fine..
Stella: So..
She moved closer to him. He doesn't know what to do. They already make love because she is his finance but now his mind completely filled with a hazel eyed man. He gulped and looked at her.

Stella: Magnus.. We didn't have sex past three weeks.. So that's why I asked you..
Mags: I I'm not in the mood.. I know you understand me..
He said without looking at her. She felt disappointed but Magnus knew she would understand him. She nodded his head.
Mags: Sorry if I hurt you..
Stella: It's okay Baby..
She said and lying next to Magnus. Magnus sat like he again zoned out.

Stella: Magnus?
Mags: Ahh..
He turned to see her.
Stella: Can you hold me untill I fall asleep..? Please.. I missed your warmth..
Magnus felt something stabbed his heart but he didn't show his sadness he lied closed to her and pulled her towards him. She put her head on his chest. He caressed her head while thinking a lot.

Suddenly his phone buzzed he saw it's 11'O clock. He looked at Stella. She slept already on Magnus hugging him. Magnus felt bad but what can he do without his knowledge his heart arched to see that man. So he put her head on the pillow and stood up from the bed. He took his jacket and went to the rooftop.

Alec was came on the rooftop after Elizabeth slept. He stood up and felt chill air touched his face. He closed his eyes to feel the chillness but after heard someone opened the door. He hide behind the wall he knows who was coming so he smiled while leaning on the wall.

Magnus opened the door and looked around it's little dark outside. He couldn't find Alec so he walked to the terrace but suddenly felt someone hugged him from behind. He first jumped but after realize who it was he relaxed himself.

Mags: Alexander!! You scared me..
He said in a low voice. Alec didn't say anything he hummed and kissed his cheek. Magnus smiled and held Alec's hands it's tightly around his waist. Alec slowly kissed his neck. Magnus was leaned back on Alec's shoulder and threw his head slide to give more access to Alec. Alec licked his earlobe Magnus let out a little moan.

He bite Magnus neck while his hand circling on his waist. Magnus felt goosebumps he Pressed his body closely against Alec. Alec breathed on his neck and turned Magnus to see his chocolate brown eyes. Their eyes locked together feelings are built. They could feel that through each others eyes. Alec cupped Magnus face and kissed hard. Magnus fingers gripped Alec's hair. Alec's tongue licked Magnus lips to ask permission.

Magnus smiled and opened his mouth to have a taste of Alec. The kiss was slow and full of emotions but after some time it heated. They sucked each others lips and pulled each others body. After eating each others mouth they pulled back and breathed hard. Alec smiled and saw at Magnus. Magnus kissed his check and asked.

Mags: You said you want to speak.. What it is?
He sat on near a bench. Alec walked and sat next to him. He took a deep breathe and started to talk.
Alec: I have sister and two brothers.. I found myself as bisexual at the age of 15.. I'm a eldest son in my family. At my 17 age my mom found my father cheated on him so she got divorce.. We all accepted her decision and moved with her.. I saw everyday my mom working hard for give a studies to us.. We also studied well.. But when I'm completed my schooling I also worked at a coffee shop nearer my home.. We lived happily.. I always wanted to be a actor.. Because I had a interest on acting but I didn't get a chance that time.. After completing my college I worked in a company.. That company owner daughter was loved me.. But I only spoke to her as a friend. Her father is the main reason to achieve my dream.. He believed me and bought me a chance to play a small role in a series.. But it got famous so I got more chance.. After one year she I mean his daughter proposed me.. I accepted so we got married.. Between busy life I needed a break so that's why we came here..

Magnus looking at him confused.
Mags: You mean Elizabeth?
Alec: Yeah.. She's a good friend of mine.. But.. I like her I don't know why that love feeling did't come on her till now..
He said and looking at Magnus. Magnus smiled at him. He could feel what Alec told him indirectly. Magnus sat without saying a word. It's make Alec sad. He couldn't control himself so he said.

Alec: It's okay If I only have feeling on-
Before he finished Magnus pulled him and smashed their lips. Alec held his breathe in surprised but kissed him back. Magnus kissed him like Alec's lips made only for him. Alec melting in the breathtaking kiss. Magnus pulled back slowly and said.

Mags: I already told you I also have feeling on you Alexander.. Don't think too much.. And don't jump on the conclusion before knowing about my love life..!

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