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Mags: What? You can't..
Alec: Why?
Mags: Why? Because you have a wife and I've a fiance..
Alec: I don't care..
Mags: I care.. It's so wrong.. I can't..

Alec: So you don't want my kiss.. Okay.. It's fine..
He moved back and hide his hurting face before going out of the restroom. Magnus closed his eyes and relaxed himself. He didn't know what to do.

He also felt like Alec but he thought it's wrong because they both are committed in a another relationship. He couldn't describe what is this unknown feeling is but he couldn't deny it easily.

After relaxed himself he came out and he search Alec in the crowd but he couldn't find him. He saw Elizabeth and Stella still drinking and talking so he don't want to disturb them.

Alec was walking to the room with a hurting face. He opened the door and entered but he didn't switch on the light. He was lying on the bed and thinking about Magnus. He thought Magnus also want to kiss him but he now realized that man looked at him like everybody.

'Alec he isn't lucky to get your kisses so don't feel about this little incident' he thought but his mind not move on from that beautiful man. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. He know who it's. So he annoyingly went to open the door.

Once he opened the door. He didn't see who it is but said.
Alec: Hello Elizabeth..
Mags: Am I look like Elizabeth?
Alec looked up and cleared his vision.
Alec: What are you doing?
He said before Magnus answered he closed the door. But again Magnus knocked the door. He opened the door angrily.

But Magnus pushed him and closed the door behind them. He gripped Alec's shirt collar but Alec backed away from his grip. Magnus smiled and walked towards the bed and sat on edge of the bed. Alec looked at him confused.

Alec: What you want?
He asked looking away.
Mags: I'm sorry..
Alec: For what?
Mags: For.. Without knowing about you completely I insult you.. And hurt you..
Alec: What the fuck? I'm not hurt.. And I already forgave you for your words.. Now get out..
Mags: Alec..
Alec: Just get out and sorry.. I don't know why I want to kiss you but now I realized it's wrong as you said..

He pointed at the door to Magnus leave. Magnus nodded his head and stood up. Alec didn't look back. After he heard the door was closed he turned. But suddenly Magnus pressed his lips on Alec. Alec closed his eyes and understood what's happening. It's just a simple kiss Magnus pulled away slowly and looked at Alec. Alec still closed his eyes.

Mags: Alexander..
Alec snapped his eyes open surprisingly.
Mags: Kiss me..
Magnus smiled at him nervously and bit his lips. Alec pushed him on the wall and pinned his hand above the head.

It's happened suddenly so Magnus breathe changed. Before he see Alec's face Alec smashed his lips on Magnus aggressively. Magnus moaned and kissed him back.

But Alec forcefully opened Magnus mouth and entered his tongue into another man. Magnus groaned and closed his eyes tightly.

He explored every inches of Magnus mouth and sucked his lower lip. Magnus doing the same to Alec. They sucked each others lips like it's a fresh strawberries. Magnus moans send shiver to Alec's skin.

He pressed his body on him. After a breathtaking kiss Alec pulled back breathlessly and put his forehead on. Alec released Magnus hands. Magnus put his hands around Alec's neck. Alec opened his eyes to look into Magnus eyes.

Alec: Open your eyes Magnus..
Magnus slowly opened his eyes. Alec could see lust in those brown eyes. Magnus smiled at him Alec also smiled and moved near Magnus ear. He inhale Magnus perfume.

Magnus gripped Alec's edge of the shirt. Before Alec kiss his neck he thought 'what if Magnus regret about this kiss?' So he backed away from Magnus. Magnus looked at him confused.

Mags: What? Why you pulled back?
Alec: Are you regret?
Mags: No.. Why?
Alec: You said its wrong but now you kissed me..
Mags: Yeah.. Now also it's wrong but I don't know why my heart want to kiss you..
He said honestly. Alec smiled it's barley visible but Magnus could see and smiled.

They stood up silently. Their heart started to beat faster than normally. Alec can't take it anymore so he pushed Magnus on the bed and kissed him like his life depends on him.

Magnus also kissed him with same passion. They eating their lips perfectly and hungrily. Magnus fingers caressed Alec's messy hair.

He gripped tightly when Alec kissed his collar bone and neck. Alec was licked and sucked his neck. Magnus arched his back and bit his lips.

He felt something changed in his heart when Alec gave him this little pleasure. He wrapped his legs around Alec's waist. Alec moaned when their body touched completely.

So Alec looked at Magnus. Magnus smiled innocently and pulled Alec face to kiss him. Alec kissed him hard. His hand opened Magnus button but Magnus stopped him.

Mags: I have to go.. It's already late.. They'll be back soon..
He said while panting heavily. Alec whined but moved next to Magnus.
Alec: When you'll meet me?

Mags: It's depends on your busy schedule Mr. Lightwood..
he winked at Alec. Alec laughed. Magnus adjusted his dress and smiled at Alec before went out of the room. They don't know where it'll go but they now satisfied and felt happy about their kiss..!

Love me or leave meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora