Chapter 9 | Restraints

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(Major TW: This chapter contains topics about self harm, if you are uncomfortable feel free to skip.)

This wasn't just any blood you were drowning in, it was your own. And Bob had killed you...

-Time and Date Unkown-

You shot up, awake from your nightmare. Cold sweat beaded down your face and you looked around, sighing with relief when you saw you were not in fact drowning in blood. Unfortunately now that you were awake, you could feel the almost unbearable pain in your wrists. You craned your neck to look at them and saw they were beginning to bleed.

You tried to situate your wrists to stop them from bleeding but only made it worse, and you began to worry. You were thinking about what to do and finally landed on an option. "Um, excuse me! My wrists are bleeding- are you there?" You called.

You continued to call out, gradually louder each time, and finally you heard heavy footsteps down the hall. The door opened and there he stood in his mask, boxers, and fuzzy red socks and nothing else. "Uhm, m-my wrists are beginning to bleed..." You mumbled. He rubbed his neck and made his way towards you.

He walked behind you and began to mess with the restraints, mumbling quietly to himself. He untied you and you brought your hands up to examine them. Suddenly he grabbed your hands and began to look at them himself. After examining them somewhat thoroughly, he noticed scars on your wrists.

"What are these?" He asked. You turned your head and tried to pull your hand away from him, but he wouldn't let go. "I asked what they were." He reprimanded "I ain't gonna ask again." You kept trying to pull your hand away, feeling tears well up in the corners of your eyes. "I.. really don't want to talk about it..."

He squeezed your hand and looked you in the eyes. "What are they." You furrowed your brow and wiped away the tears. "They're self harm scars." you stated blankly. You yanked your hand away and set the other on the scars. He seemed a little surprised and backed away.

"Such a shame a pretty little thing like you had to go through that." he yawned loudly and motioned for you to stand. You did so and followed him through the door. You walked through a dark and dingy house until you came upon a door at the back of it. He opened it and flicked on a light, it was a bathroom. He waved his hand for you to come inside and told you to take a seat on the counter.

While you were sitting, he was rummaging through the cabinet and stood up with bandages. He set them beside you and reached over to open the mirror/medicine cabinet. You were sitting in front of it and he was incredibly close, almost on top of you. You averted your eyes and began to blush, luckily he hadn't noticed.

After he had found the pain killers he took your hands in his and began to apply Neosporin. You winced a little but overall he was surprisingly gentle. After everything was wrapped up and cleaned he gave you the pain killers and picked you up off the counter. You felt like a feather when he did.

-Bob's Perspective-

They were awfully squirmy when I was getting the pain killers, and were very obviously flustered. I decided to pretend not to notice and just decided to finish helping them with their wrists. After we were done I led them back to my room, I was just too tired to tie them back up. I fixed one side of the bed for them and told them to lay down.

I went to my side and got comfortable, while they just laid there still as a rock. I could sense how tense they were and just waited for them to fall asleep. After they did I turned over to face them and their back was to me. I carefully lifted my hand to examine their hair, it was very beautiful. I took a strand in my hand and smelled it. Odd I know, but I was just curious.

I turned back over and carefully slipped off my mask, setting on the bedside table and I slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.


He's so bbg omg <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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