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The whole room went silent for a second.

Jungkook's dad: "How am I supposed to trust you?"

Jungkook: "Why can't you do it. Just let her be with me. Be with us. I-I- I'll do anything you say. If you want me to go abroad and study, fine, I'll do that too. Just let her be here.....Dad, you may not need her, but- - - I - - I need her. She is my sister after all."

Jungkook's dad: "I don't know what you have done to her- - -"

Jungkook: "Dad, she was the only one who were with me when I needed someone. You really can't understand that dad."

Jungkook's dad: "Fine, I want to talk with her alone"

Jungkook: "Dad"

You went near Jungkook. "Jungkook-ah it's fine. I'll do this."

Everyone left the room except you and Jungkook's dad.

Jungkook's dad: "Take a seat"

You took a seat.

Jungkook's dad: "Let's talk straight about this"

You: "Yes"

Jungkook's dad: "The first time we met, when Jungkook was drunk....."

You: "Yeah"

Jungkook's dad: "You knew about this at that time?"

You: "No"

Jungkook's dad: "Then why did you protect him at that time?"

You: "I don't know, I did what my heart said me to do"

Jungkook's dad: "I want to hear the full story"

You: "I used to get bullied by Jungkook at school....." you said everything about how you met and how you got to know about all these things. 

Jungkook's dad: "I understand. Tell me something that I don't know about him"

You: "Hmm.... Jungkook really respects you but because of the way you treat him, he's afraid of you. He may seem like an aggressive person outside, but..... he's too kind inside. More than kindness, he's lonely. So, he is acting harshly and everything, to get others attention. After he stated to love something, he'll never let that thing go...."

Jungkook's dad: "You really know about him..... I'm just an evil dad to him right?"

You: "In my family, I mean the parents who raised me, I have a little brother there too. Do you know why I chose to be with Jungkook, leaving that little one"

Jungkook's dad: "No"

You: "It's because..... my little brother got all the love he wanted and he's still getting it. He knows how to love others without hurting them. Now somehow, he can choose what's good and bad. He has so many people around him to talk with and many people to listen. But..... Jungkook is the opposite of everything what I said."

Jungkook's dad: "Ari right?"

You: "Yes"

Jungkook's dad: "Ari.... you really is someone Jungkook deserve. You know about him more than anyone. You know how to deal things with him. You are a brave girl and you made Jungkook brave. He never talked to me face to face like that. I'm really sorry for what I did to you"

You: "It's fine. I mean, sometimes things happen for a reason. Me and Jungkook wouldn't have a this kind of bond of we weren't apart from each other"

Jungkook's dad: "Ari... you really showed me the truth. Let's just have some fun with him"

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