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Thronhill stood there in shocked to see Weems and not Tyler. It was like she was frozen, she tried to say something but nothing came out. And by the look on Weems face she was not to please on what she had just heard.

"Your slave is probably still at the station." Wednesday said

"Don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn." Weems said and before I could see it she pulled out a syringe and stuck it in the side of Weems neck and yelled her name is 'Laurel' she pulled the syringe out as Weems fell to the floor. I rushed right over to her and so did Wednesday. I bit into my wrist, drawing out my blood, trying to feed it to Weems. But it wasn't working, why isn't my blood working?

"Principal Weems! Principal Weems!" Me and Wednesday said sync but she didn't answer all she did was gasp trying to get air in her lungs but she couldn't. Foam started to come out of her mouth. Then that was it, she gone. Principal Weems was dead!

"Nightshade poisoning" Wednesday said as we were still holding Weems hand

"What?" I asked her looking at her confused

"A fitting end, don't you think?" Laurel said. Me and Wednesday look up at her as she hit Wednesday with a shovel knocking her and before I knew it she had snap my neck.


I don't know how long it had been, minutes maybe even hours. But when I woke up Wednesday was gone and so was Thronhill. Thank god Wednesday was bleeding because that made it so much easier to find her. I followed her sent all the way to a stone building, once I entered, it was dark but I could see just a little due to the red moon. When I found Wednesday she was lying on the floor, bleeding. She had been stab. I rush right over to her and pulled the knife out making her open her eyes and gasp a little.

"Ariella?" she questioned me

"Wednesday, I'm going to feed you my blood, okay?" I said to her as she nodded. I bit into my wrist, drawing out blood within seconds she was good as new.

"She brought back Crackstone and they are going to kill off the outcast" she said as I help her up "The only way to stop him is by stabbing him through his heart"

"How do you know that?" I asked her

"There's no time for questions right now. We need to find them now" she said as we ran out of the building. We ran and ran, we started to hear howling and that's when Tyler step out from behind a tree stopping us in our tracks

"Laurel said you were dead" he said pointing at Wednesday and then he pointed at me "And she said you would be out for a few more hours...guess not."

"We're feeling much better now" Wednesday said

"You're like a cockroach" he said as he took a step closer to us

"Come any closer and I will show you a true ripper" I say. Showing him my eyes and fangs

"You wouldn't do anything to me, not when your little lover boy is in danger" he said. Ajax?

"This will not end well for you" Wednesday said and that's when Tyler started to turn into the Hyde. Screaming as his bones broke and his clothes started to rip as he shifted. He let out a roar and threw me against a tree while he grab Wednesday by the throat pushing her back against a tree stub. As he was about to claw her to her death, some animal that came out of nowhere pushed him off her, as they rolled in the leaves, attacking one another. I rushed right over to Wednesday, helping her to her feet as we both look at the animal that saved us.

"Enid?" We said in sync and that's when the Hyde got back up and was now standing behind Enid

"ENID WATCH OUT!" I yelled but that didn't stop her. I knew in my heart she didn't need my help and that she was going to be alright. Wednesday grab my hand as turned around and ran

"We need to get back to the school" she said. As we made it to the school, I could smell fire and I could hear people screaming as I saw a bunch of students running away from the school. Me and Wednesday got inside as she went to find a weapon, I went and find blood to get my strength back and met her in the quad. We both saw Crackstone, full on ready to attack two Nevermore students but he stop once he heard Wednesday voice.

"Howdy, pilgrim" making him turn around to look at us.

"RUN" I say to the two students

"How canst thy heart still beat?" he asked looking shocked to see Wednesday standing before him. "What demon sorcery is this?" he asked. That's when I showed my tribrid face

"A tribrid" I say as Wednesday raised her sword

"Stay away from them" Xavier said coming from behind us as he raised his bow and arrow taking his shot Crackstone. But Crackstone stop it before it hit him and sent it flying back at Xavier but I caught it, throwing it to the side.

"Your going to have to do better than that, old man" I say, that's when more students came and it looked like they were trap and I could tell they were afraid. I looked over at Xavier "Get them out of here. NOW!" I said to him, making him nod and run over to them. Now it was just me, Wednesday and Crackstone. We fought with him and he was good but we were better. I tried using my magic on him but it didn't work, it was like his staff was protecting him from it. He got the upper hand on Wednesday and me, sending us flying backwards, his staff sent this powerful source keeping us in place.

"I will send you back to hell. The both of us" he said pushing the staff closer to our chest. I felt this burning there and that when I saw a sword go through his chest, making him turn around to show us no other than Bianca. He smiled at her as he sent her flying, I was able to get free and use my vamp speed to catch her. I helped her up, just in time for us to see Crackstone dying once more. Black smoke coming out of him as he started to disappear. And with that he was gone and so was the rest of the fire. We did it but that was an understatement when I heard a gun cock.

Thornhill step out of the shadows with a gun in her hand, pointed right at Wednesday Addams.

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