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During the whole time in Miss. Thornhill's class, Ajax kept staring at me, I gave him one glaze and I could see guilt in his eyes but I just shook my head at him and turned my attention back to the front. During the class I could feel Miss. Thornhill was not happy about her windows and I should fix that later on.

"I know all of you are excited about Saturday which is why I haven't assigned any homework" Miss. Thronhill said. There were a lot of 'Yes!' that filled the room "But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here." she add and I collected my things as I was doing that Ajax approached me.

"Ariella, can I talk to-" he was saying but I cut him off by pushing past him and walking away. He shouted my name and followed me but I kept ignoring him. A crowd of students came and that was how I was able to lose him. Later on Wednesday came to me and said she needed my help and started explaining how she believes that Xavier was the monster and that she need to see his art den. As we waited outside in the distance waiting for him to leave and once he did, we waited a few minutes before entering.

"Xavier didn't get those scratches do to fencing. He's hiding something." Wednesday said. As we entered and turned on the light there were hundreds of pictures of the monster.

"Every artist needs a muse" I say

"I suppose" she said. She picked up a picture of the drawn monster "Xavier, just became much more interesting." stuffing the picture into her coat. For us well more for Wednesday this is all the evidence she needed so far, as we left and closed the door, Xavier came into view

"Wednesday, Ariella?" he questioned as he got closer to us.

"Xavier" Wednesday said

"Hello" I say smiling at him

"What are you two doing?" he asked

"Nothing" Wednesday answered "We just saw you come out this way" I nodded my head in agreement

"What is this place?" I asked. Pretending not to know.

"It's kind of my private art studio. I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it." he said

"How very entrepreneurial" Wednesday said

"We would love to see inside" I say

"Yes, why don't you give us a tour" she said

he shook his head "Not right now. It's a total mess." he said. He was lying, his heartbeat skip a beat. I nudge Wednesday, she gave me a nod in return understanding what I was telling.

"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. I'm not easily fazed" she said

"I killed someone" I say both of them turned to me in shocked, mostly Xavier

"Nice!" Wednesday said

"It was an accident" I say. Being truthful, it was my first kill and it was after my mother died.

"Bummer" she said. Xavier shook his head at the both us

"Right. Maybe another time. Why were you two looking for me?" he asked

"We wanted to go over Ms. Thornhill's homework assignment" I lied

"She didn't give us homework, remember? Why are you two really out here and the truth." he said and then beaned down to Wednesday eye level "Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps? I'm all ears" He said and I knew where this was going and I couldn't help laugh but I earn a glare from Wednesday which only made me laugh harder

My Witch- Ajax PetropolusWhere stories live. Discover now