Family shadow

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Platonic clawdeen,clawd,and (mostly)Howleen x younger sister reader

She/her reader


Insight:Your Y/n wolf.Youngest of the wolf siblings.You are starting your freshman year of Monster High.You weren’t like your siblings you loved chaos and mischief.So Clawdeen and Clawd were already worried about you.But Howleen and you have never got along but Clawdeen doesn't have much time to watch you around school so she practically begs Howleen to watch out for you much to her dismay.

3rd pov:Here you were standing outside Monster High with your three older siblings.The wolf siblings clawdeen the designer,clawd star basketball player,and Howleen a party ghoul.Most would think they need to live up to their siblings name,but that's not your case.You love causing chaos and mischief.”Y/n! Were you even listening?”Your older sister clawdeen shouts at you.You cover your ears and roll your eyes “Now I am.”You reply dryly.Your brother puts his hand on your shoulder “You’ll be fine sis!”You shrug his embrace off.”I know I’ll be fine.Just don’t know about my peers.”You smile to yourself.You hear Howleen groan “Don’t embarrass us Y/n!”She glares at you.You roll your eyes “Didn’t you do that with the whole shadow genie incident.”You taunted back.She glared at you Clawdeen stepped between you two.”Both of you stop acting like pups!”Her eyes are directly on you.You just turn away from your siblings and pull out your schedule.”Y/n come-”Clawdeen turned and saw you were already gone.”Ugh that ghoul!”Clawd tries to comfort his sister “It’ll be fine we’ll watch her.”He gives her a smile.Clawdeen turned out Howleen “Howleen we’ll need help.Your her older sister also.”Clawdeen looked down at her.Howleen groans “She’s so annoying! Always causing something!”Howleen glares at her older sister.”She’s still our sister.And you’ll see her more then me and Clawd.”Howleen rolled her eyes “Fine.”Clawdeen gave her a smile.(A week timeskip) You have already pranked most of the monsters here.And annoyingly to your siblings you befriended toralei.Howleen is usually walking behind you keeping an eye on you.But she was getting fed up with you tricking her and leaving her sight.”Ugh! Where did she go!”Howleen growled in frustration.”Probably right there.”Twyla pointed to a circle of monsters.Howleen groaned “This can’t be good.”She ran and pushed past monsters to get to the front.She saw a very unhappy Heath and a laughing Y/n and Toralei.She looked to see heath soaked as a fire element to much water could make him sick.”Y/n!”You turn to see Howleen.You roll your eyes “Looks like our funs over.”Toralei rolls her eyes.Before you could say anything she dragged you away.”Let go Howleen!”You pushed her off you.”I was busy!”You shout at your sister.Howleen had enough she snapped “Busy!? Busy what makes other monster lives miserable.Busy pranking others.Busy making Clawdeen,clawd,and me worry.Busy making my life miserable!”She realized what she said and immediately went to cover her mouth.”Y/n I- ''You cut her off.”No! I was busy making myself a life.Busy trying to leave behind everyone's expectation for me from you three.I was busy trying to be me!”You glared at your sister.This was the closest Howleen seen you to crying in such a long time.”Y/n..”She made her way over to you.She pulled you into a hug!? You and her haven’t hugged since you were a pup.”Howleen..”You missed it you missed the comfort of your siblings.”I’m sorry Y/n.I shouldn’t have said those things.”She held you tighter as you fell into her embrace.”I should’ve acted better.I shouldn’t have made your lifes miserable.”When Howleen heard that her heart broke.She couldn’t believe she made you think that.”You didn’t.We made our own lives that way.We should've let you be you.I love you sis.”That did it for you.You broke down in Howleens arms.She sat there comforting you like she should’ve done way earlier.She was going to make sure she started treating you like her little sister again. 

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