"Seventh floor, seriously? More stairs?" She said in a joking manner and he chuckled. "You always walk the seventh floor." He stated as he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes.

She had nothing to say to this so just kept silent. "Why are you always on the seventh floor?" She asked and he gave her a small smile. "You'll see in a moment." Is all he said.

They kept walking until they stopped. "Now what?" She asked, looking around her. "Look." He pointed at the wall and she looked it up and down.

"Yes, a wall. I think you just invented a masterpiece." She said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Keep looking." He said and she yelped when suddenly a door appeared.

"What the hell." She said as she backed up. "Tell me, Diana. If you could invent a room, how would it look like?" Regulus turned his head towards her and she looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Just tell me."

"Lots of books, a fireplace, comfortable furniture, a table with some comfortable chairs around it, some paintings and a huge window." She said.

"Your wish is my command, open the door." He said and she gave him a weirded out look. "Just do it." He pressured and she walked forward, not really seeing that much of a problem with it.

Her mouth dropped when she walked into a beautiful room, with lots of books, a fireplace, comfortable furniture, a table with some comfortable chairs around it, some paintings and a huge window.

"Welcome to the come and go room- or, the room of requirements, however you want to call it." Regulus closed the door and she turned to him.

"How did you find this? How did you know this is exactly how I wanted it?" She asked and he smiles. "You told me, I thought about it, the room created it." He said and she looks at him in disbelief.

"Really?" She asked and he nodded. "So, say I wanted some biscuits, the room would crest it?" She asked a bit joking. "Yes, that's how it works, so do you want biscuits?" He asked and she nodded. "Yes, duh!" She grinned.

"Some biscuits for madam." A small round table with a plate of biscuits appeared and Diana stared at it in wonder. "That's so cool!" She cheered and he smiled.

They spent the rest of the afternoon reading. And the weeks following, the two of them visit this exact place, multiple times.

Diana took a deep breath, about to open the door... but she let go, turned around, and walked away.

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Diana spent her summer with Aurora, mostly. She also went to Diagon alley a few times. She visited multiple shops and had walked into three Quiditch supply shops to look for Harry and Neville's birthday present.

In the end she had bought them some sweets and made a bundel of pictures she had from James and Lily for Harry. She could sent it anonymously— it isn't really normal to receive presents from your professor that is.

For Neville she got a big sweater, she felt like Neville would be a sweater type of person, you can hide yourself in it and it's comfortable. She would also sent it to him, anonymously. She had sent a letter to his grandma a while ago, asking how she was doing and telling her how happy she was learning Neville was alive.

There was one day, she was bored. Nothing to do, she didn't feel like going to Diagon alley or hogsmeade and Aurora was on a vacation with her husband and kids.

Diana was alone in the big potter manor. Except for Remi, who was playing with her fingers as she sat on the couch. Suddenly she had an idea.

She picked up Remi, put him on her shoulder and stood up from the couch. She grabbed her coat, walking outside before apparating away with a loud crack.

She felt her feet leave the floor before landing again. She looked at the big building in front of her.

'St. mungo's'
the letters on the building read. She walked inside and to the front office. She told the woman behind the counter why she was there and the woman pointed the way, even though Diana knew where to go.

She stood in front of the door, breathing deep in and out, she walked through. There where multiple people, mostly grown ups, and one doctor who smiled at her and Diana nodded at her politely.

It didn't take long for Diana to see her. Her brown hair that was one's short, now waved over het back. She was looking out the window, but there was nothing behind her eyes. Diana walked over to her.

"Hi Alice."

She didn't turn around, she kept looking out of the window and Diana felt tears forming in her eyes. "I saw Neville." She said "I taught him how to ride a broom." Diana's voice shook. Alice turned around,her eyes pierced right through Diana as if she didn't even see her.

Diana's sight became blurry because of the tears that now also started to stream down her face. "He looks like you." She went on. "He takes after you in Herbology, he loves it." Diana kept talking even though it hurt that Alice didn't hear her at all.

Alice eyes left Diana's face and traveled to her shoulder. When she looked, she saw Remi had appeared from behind her her. "That's Remi." Diana put the bowtruckle in her hand and showed it to Alice who curiously looked at it.

She smiled before laying an empty candy wrapper in her hand. "Thank you." Diana said and smiled, putting the wrapper in her pocket, she has lots of those in her house, all of them where given by Alice.

Tears where now continuously streaming down her face, her nose started running slightly. "I miss you, Alice." She cried. "So much." Alice just stared at her.

"I wish you could have seen your son grow up... well, you probably have, but not in the way it was supposed to happen, it wasn't supposed to be like this... why did this happen?" She looked at Alice.

Alice stared at her, then she turned around and left. Diana watched her leave, she wanted to scream. Why was this happening, how could she have let this happen?

Yay, sad chapter, the next one will be a bit happier :)

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