Part - 69 Disaster

Start from the beginning

(No Bipod of course)


The small 51-round magazine ran out of ammunition after just a few seconds of fire.

Oleg, the loader, immediately went to replacing the empty magazine.

"Reload quickly Oleg! We need to make it look like they are taking fire!" Nikolai said.

"-I should miss." Dimitri said.

"Miss wha—"


The gun breech recoiled backwards.

Dimitri looked out the scope,

The shell flew for a few seconds, and then BOUNCED of off the rear of the T26's turret.

Nikolai watched the event out of the turret's cupola viewports.

"Дурак! Ты чуть не убил его!! (Fool! You nearly killed them!!)" Nikolai yelled.

"But I didn't...." Dimitri said.


Meanwhile... on the other end of that shell...

"This is Quicksilver unit, we're making our escape now. Please make it look realistic...." Avery said, into the radio.

"Roger, sending notice." The CO said.

"Alright, they said they were gonna make it look realistic, so be ready to get shot at..." Avery said to his crew.


Bullets bounced off of the tank he was in.

"Realistic....." Avery said to himself.


An ear-piercing metallic scream.

"GAH!!" Avery shouted.

"HAVE WE BEEN HIT?!" He then shouted.

"I think that bounced sarge..." his loader said, his ears still ringing.


After what felt like an hour of driving, Avery looked through his binoculars again, still trying to spot the enemy commander.

"Hey.... He asked his loader.

Let me have that identification booklet...." He said.

The loader handed him the booklet.

"Why sarge?" The loader said.

"Tank on that hill over there....." Avery said.

"Who do you think that is?" The loader asked.

Mostly Girls, und Panzer II: Der Film (Male Reader OC x Girls und Panzer) Where stories live. Discover now