Crush Factor 2:The Crushening

Start from the beginning

And Harper's reaction wasn't much better, if not even worse than Griffin's.

She was at her locker, putting some extra homework away when she saw Zoey skipping towards her happily. "Hey, Zoey. You seem like you're in a good mood. I'm guessing it went well with your mystery loverboy?" asked Harper curiously as she put the last of her homework in her locker and slammed it shut. "Yep. And the funny thing is, he also wanted to take things to the next level, so it worked out great. And as of 12:47pm on Saturday, we're now as official as the Declaration of Independence." cried Zoey happily. "That's awesome, Zoey. I'm so happy for you and your man. Speaking of which, what his name anyway?" asked Harper as she and Zoey walked to the cafeteria to get lunch. "I'll only tell you on one condition:That you won't freak out like Griffin does whenever Wyatt or I tell him something that makes him panic." said Zoey, shaking her head. "I promise. Now, tell me the name of your loverboy already. The suspense is killing me!!!" said Harper excitedly. "Okay, you ready? His name's Topher." said Zoey, hoping Harper wouldn't be mad. "Wait, Topher? As in, my brother Topher?! Never keeps his room clean, like, at all, ever?! Always watches monster movies instead of doing his homework? Eats junk food 24/7? My own brother, Christopher Samuel Dunn, Jr.?!" asked Harper, almost yelling. "Yes. Why?" asked Zoey, worriedly. "Well, it's just, it-it's just------" began Harper before she suddenly started vomiting in the middle of the hallway before she fell to the floor and her vision got all blurry and muddled. "Okay, you promised me you wouldn't freak out." was the last thing Harper heard before everything went black. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few hours later, Harper woke up in the nurses' office and sat up on the bed/table to see Griffin sitting in one of the chairs off to the side, holding an ice pack to a large, red bump on his forehead. "So, Zoey tell you she's dating Topher?" asked Harper, obviously knowing what the answer was, but still wanted to hear his thoughts on the matter. "Nope. He told me as I was finishing lunch, and I fainted in the cafeteria, causing my lunch tray to fall out of my hands and hit me square in the head, knocking me out cold. I only just woke up like twenty minutes ago. What about you? I heard you actually threw up in the hallway." said Griffin, impressed as he slumped his seat, uncomfortable. "Yeah, I did." said Harper tiredly. "The news was just very shocking, that's all. I mean, Zoey and Topher?!" asked Harper incredulously. "Last I checked, Zoey was too much of a bookworm to even think about dating boys and Topher still thought girls had cooties." said Harper, doing her best to not throw up again. "Yeah. I always thought they weren't even compatible. I mean, those two together are what you'd get if you thought the answer to 2 + 2 was 5!!!!" exclaimed Griffin in obvious disbelief. "My thoughts exactly!!!!" shouted Harper as she walked over to the other chair in the sick room and sat next to her boyfriend, the two of them falling into an awkward silence as they tried to process this new information.

"We're gonna talk to them about dating each other, aren't we?" asked Griffin a few minutes later.

"Yep." said Harper, seething red right as another wave of nausea took over and Griffin handed her the trash can and she threw up again.

                                                                           To Be Continued............. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that's a wrap on "Crush Factor 2"!!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this one. And, lemme know what you think about Zoey and Topher getting together. ;P Also, should their ship name be "Zopher" or "Toey"? Lemme know down below and I'll catch you guys on the flip. Ciao! <3<3  (Also, what do y'all think of the new cover for my story? Pretty good, right? Now I can look a bit more professional here on Wattpad.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now