Chapter 8: Locked Up

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Kaitlyn's phone buzzed in her pocket as she wandered around a bookstore, looking for a new book since she had forgotten hers at the lab. While the scientists made their decision, Kaitlyn had been instructed to stay away from Kit and the lab. It had been four days since then.

"Hello?" she said, answering the phone with one hand and still searching the racks with another.

"We need you back at the lab! Kit's escaped his restraints and started wandering the lab looking for you. If we get near him, he'll kill us. You have to stop him," Holden spoke quickly.

"Okay!" Kaitlyn said, rushing out of the store and back toward the warehouse. She dropped off her purse and phone with the guards and was greeted by Holden in the hallway.

"This way," Holden said, leading her down the hall toward Kit's room. She cried out in shock when she was shoved into one of the vacant cells she had examined her first day at the lab.

"What are you doing?" she cried as Holden slammed the door and it locked.

"The scientists that watched your interaction with Kit decided that they wanted to further examine how he would behave around you with access to his powers," Holden said, a strange look crossing his face. The grin he now wore almost rivalled Kit.

"You can't lock me up like this!" Kaitlyn yelled, tears stinging her eyes.

"I've told you before, this is a lab. Emotions cannot interfere with our studies. I don't care about you. As long as you live and serve your purpose, I don't care how else you suffer," Holden said, "You should've gone to the police when you had the chance. Now you're never leaving this place. Kit will be brought in shortly."

"A room like this won't hold Kit if he decides to leave," Kaitlyn said, gasping as cries forced out from her mouth.

"True, but over the past four days, the scientists completed the creation of a chip that has been placed in Kit's spinal cord that will prevent him from using his powers. That way, he won't be impeded by the helmet in whatever he decides to do. We started designing it after Kit's first incident. Keep in mind, we won't activate the chip unless he tries to escape, so whatever he tries to do to you, we won't stop."

Kaitlyn shivered and cried into her hands. She was sure Kit wouldn't hurt her, but she couldn't shake her doubts. Why would she genuinely be an exception to Kit's violence. If she said something that upset him, he could kill her without a second thought.

She looked around at room and pressed her back against the door when she saw blood splattered across the floor and walls. She couldn't picture herself sleeping on the lumpy bed that had blood soaked into the mattress and thin blanket. She cried harder. The darkness of the small room made it like being trapped in a nightmare.

She cried out in shock when the door was shoved open, knocking her into a puddle of blood. She shot away from the puddle, looking up to see Kit studying her with a judgmental expression on his face. The cuffs on his wrists were removed and the door was slammed shut. She could faintly see a scar on his neck from where the chip had been implanted.

Kit raised his hand toward her and she closed her eyes and flinched away.

"Somehow, blood doesn't suit you," Kit muttered. She opened her eyes when she felt his hand resting on her shoulder. The blood in the room lifted from the walls, floors, and her body and gathered into a floating orb in the center of the room. The blood separated out from the orb in slender streams and slipped under the door.

"Not my problem anymore," Kit said, as the last of the blood slid under the door, "Come see."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her up, nodding to the small window. She looked out and saw the blood floating outside the door. Kit's eyes became steeled once more as his crazed grin tugged at his lips. The blood suddenly exploded and covered the hall and doors like a morbid Jackson Pollock.

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