Chapter 7: Demonstration

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Kit's mood had improved greatly after Kaitlyn's lock-up. Since Kit had decided to started talking again, Kaitlyn began bringing in more things for him to experience. Over the next two weeks, she brought Kit various new foods and drinks to try, an abandoned ukulele she had found in the back of her closet from high-school, a harmonica, and a murder mystery novel. Of all the things she brought, his clear favorites were milkshakes, the harmonica, the murder mystery, and the kalimba.

"Kaitlyn," Holden said.

"Shut up," Kit said, invested in the twentieth chapter of the murder mystery Kaitlyn was reading.

"I need to talk to her for a moment," Holden said.

"I'll finish in a minute, Kit," Kaitlyn said.

"This is good news for you as well, Kit," Holden said, "You're going to demonstrate your powers for Kaitlyn."

Kit's frightening grin appeared.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kaitlyn asked."

"It'll be fine," Holden said, "We have-."

"Precautions, I know," Kaitlyn sighed, "Kit, promise you won't kill anybody."

Kit shrugged.

"Please," Kaitlyn said.

"On one condition," Kit said.


"You have to give me a proper hug before I'm locked back up."

"You're not going anywhere near her without your restraints," Holden said.

"Then I can't make any promises," Kit giggled.

"It's okay. If that's all he wants, then it's a small price to pay if no one else gets hurt," Kaitlyn said.

"Yay!" Kit cheered. The joyful tone of his voice was contrasted by his ever-present grin.

"Alright," Holden sighed, "Kaitlyn, I'll take you to the monitor room. When Kit's demonstration has ended, I'll bring you to him."

"Okay," Kaitlyn said.

"I'll see you soon, Katy," Kit sang before giggling.

Kaitlyn followed Holden deeper down the main hall and into a theater-like room. There was a large screen with rows of seats in front of it.

"Take a seat," Holden said, "Of few of our other scientists will arrive soon and if anyone asks why you're here, show them your badge and they shouldn't question you further."

Kaitlyn nodded and hurried to a seat, clutching the mystery novel in her lap. It was unnerving knowing that someone as dangerous and powerful as Kit was being freed, but all the same, she needed to see for herself how his power worked. Although it terrified her, she felt a need to see his power used to its full extent. It was a strange pull. The desire to see the unknown.

A few men and women in lab coats entered the room and sat further ahead the her, greeting her with a simple nod and then ignoring her presence. The screen suddenly flashed to life and glowed white, then showed a large, completely white room.

"This is test 43 of the power of subject K11945," Holden's voice echoed around the room through a speaker.

A door opened and Kit was walked into the room, still wearing the helmet. It must've been lighter than it looked. Although, Kit could also have been abnormally strong. He also had a pair of handcuffs on his wrists.

Kaitlyn watched as the two doctors on either side of Kit started shutting down the helmet. Each sound the helmet made was like the impatient tick of a clock, building her anxiety with each tick until finally, the doctors lifted the helmet from Kit's head. The first thing Kaitlyn noticed was his dark, wavy hair, ruffled and messy from being within the helmet. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and blinked a few times. His unsettling grin fell into place and his eyes immediately locked on the camera. The ice-blue colored pierced through the camera like knives, almost as though her were looking straight at her. The intensity of his stare gripped her and she found it hard to look away.

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