Chapter 5: Experiment 1

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By the end of the first week, Kaitlyn had decided that she wanted Kit to experience normal life, even just a bit. She had asked the guards and she was limited to non-electronic items. She was given the weekend off from work and she decided to take that time to gather as many things as she could for Kit to experience through touch, taste, and hearing, rather than sight. By Monday, she was prepared to share with Kit things that would distract his mind from murder, hopefully.

"Good morning," Luke said. Kaitlyn had established a friendship with the guard to gain some pliability and better understand the limits placed on her.

"Good morning," Kaitlyn said, keeping her tone firm. Pretending to be more confident than she was would hopefully keep her from becoming nervous as she took out from her jacket pocket, the gift she would present to Kit.

"Do you need to bring that through?" Luke asked.

Kaitlyn nodded, the words sticking in her dry throat. Luke examined the gift and nodded. Kaitlyn finished the ordeal of getting through the metal detector and took back her jacket and the gift. Ever since Kit had mentioned temperature, the cold in the room felt suffocating and unbearable.

Holden met her outside Kit's room as he did and typed in the classified code that opened Kit's door. Once she was alone with Kit, she took the gift out from her pocket once more.

"Good morning, Kit," she said softly, barely loosening those words from her throat.

"You sound strange? Was someone choking you this morning?" Kit asked, his usual manic grin in place.

"No, I just wanted to show you something," she said.

"I can't see. I thought you were smarter than the lab toys," Kit said, a fake pout on his lips which gave way to his grin.

"I-I meant it was something to hear," she corrected, her voice growing soft.

"What is it? I'm dying of curiosity now," Kit said, "I wonder how it feels to die? I've never died before."

"Just listen," Kaitlyn said.

"You have to say please first," Kit said, giggling after.

"Please listen."

Kit's grin faded slightly and he went silent. Kaitlyn clung nervously to the gift, a kalimba. She had learned to play silent night for Kit. It wasn't a piano, but it would be better than nothing. At least he would hear an instrument.

She slowly plucked out the notes and noticed Kit perk up at the sound. His lips were knit together and he seemed to be listening intently. When Kaitlyn had finished playing, Kit remained silent, which was almost as concerning as when he talked about death.

"What did you think?" Kaitlyn asked.

"What made that noise?" Kit asked.

"A kalimba," Kaitlyn said.


"It's like a wooden box with small metal panels that can be plucked to make music. Here."

Kaitlyn gently slid the instrument under Kit's fingers and watched as his fingertips ran experimentally over the item. He jumped slightly when he managed to strike the metal and play a note.

"That song was nice," he muttered.

"I was reading my psychology textbook again over the weekend," Kaitlyn said, "Psychopaths typically have trouble empathizing or connecting with their emotions. Did that song make you feel something?"

"I don't know. I just liked it."

"Psychopaths typically like music that doesn't convey emotion because they themselves feel no emotion and find emotional music worthless."

"There isn't any emotion in that music. It's just noise," Kit said bitterly, pushing the kalimba away.

"Kit, are you feeling something?" Kaitlyn asked.

"No! Go away!" Kit yelled. It was the first time he had raised his voice in rage.

"Kit, it's okay if you liked it. If it made you feel happy or even sad."

"It didn't make me feel happy or sad or anything like that! You're stupid to think I'd ever feel emotion because of some stupid notes on a stupid instrument!"

Kaitlyn sighed and set the kalimba down. They sat in silence as the nurse brought in Kit's breakfast and the equipment for his checkup. Kaitlyn folded up Kit's blanket and let the nurse give him his daily checkup.

After a few moments of silence, Kit finally spoke, "Play it again."


"Play it again," Kit demanded.

Kaitlyn bit her lip, unsure if she wanted to risk another barrage of insults.

"Please," Kit mumbled.

"Okay!" Kaitlyn burst out, not wanting to discourage him from using manners.

She slowly played Silent Night again and Kit listened silently.

"I like it," Kit said softly. He sounded almost surprised. He remained silent throughout the rest of his checkup until...

"Time to draw blood," the nurse said.

Kit jumped in surprise when the needle pierced his arm. Kaitlyn immediately took his hand in hers and he clung to it tightly. When the nurse removed the needle, Kaitlyn stepped up onto the platform and gave Kit a hug as best she could. She listened to Kit's heartbeat and it was elevated. No matter what the nurse insisted, Kaitlyn knew Kit did get scared.

"You're alright," Kaitlyn whispered, reaching up and cupping his cheek.

"Don't sympathize with him," the nurse said sharply.

Kaitlyn shrunk away under the nurse's harsh stare and stepped down. Kaitlyn noticed a deep frown on Kit's lips when she sat down.

"Are you hungry?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Yeah," Kit replied.

Kaitlyn started feeding him the usual breakfast of oatmeal with pear pieces for fruit.

"Do you have a pet?" Kit asked.

"No. Why?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Most people have pets for companionship. I don't see the appeal of taking care of a needy, helpless, attention seeking resource waste, though."

Kaitlyn smiled. Kit had practically described himself.

"Sounds like you, Kit," Holden said, entering Kit's cell.

Kit went silent and refused to accept any more of the food Kaitlyn offered.

"Should you really make jokes at his expense?" Kaitlyn asked.

"He'll be fine," Holden said, "He needs to finish eating though."

Holden picked up the spoon and tried to push it past Kit's lips.

"I wouldn't do that. He'll bite you," Kaitlyn said, just in time for Holden to pull away.

"Why are you protecting him?" Kit muttered.

"You can't bite people," Kaitlyn said.

"Why not? Kit asked, "Humans are better covered in blood."

Kit's Knowledge Day Five:

· Likes music

· Dislikes the emotions he feels

· Possibly confused by emotions?

· Has refused to talk for the rest of the day

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