Chapter 9: Long Days (Kaitlyn's P.O.V)

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It's the start of my first full day locked up with Kit. I pushed out of his arms as soon as I woke up and sat on the opposite side of the room from him. He gave me a questioning look, then shrugged and remained seated on the bed, picking at loose threads on the mattress.

"Good morning, Kit, Kaitlyn," Holden said over a loudspeaker as a nurse entered the room holding two trays of breakfast. She looked over at Kit on the bed before deciding to set them on the floor. She let out a small shriek when the trays started floating. Kit's ice-blue eyes glared harshly at her.

"I will not eat off the floor like a dog," Kit snapped, "Get out!"

The nurse glared back at Kit challengingly. I shuddered as the familiar feeling of Kit's power started to overwhelm my senses.

"Kit, don't hurt her," I whispered weakly. Anxiety started to overcome me. What if he really killed her? I couldn't take seeing more blood. I was surprised to feel Kit's power fading and he sat emotionlessly on the bed, arms crossed as he continued to glare at the nurse. The nurse stared down her nose at him a few moments longer before turning and leaving, locking the door behind her.

Kit's irritated gaze shifted to me.

"I can't handle any more blood," I whispered, pulling my knees up to my chest.

Kit rolled his eyes and I shrieked when his power yanked my legs out straight. He used his power to set the tray of food in my lap and then stared at the tray of food in his lap. He looked over his fork before sharply stabbing a piece of apple. An entertained grin spread across his face as he ate the piece and stabbed another. I couldn't help but smile. He was like a giant child as he relearned what his silverware was used for. He drank from the glass of water, a slight look of contentment overtaking him.

"I just realized they never brought you water," I said softly.

"Took you long enough," Kit said pursing his lips, "They wanted to see if dehydration would kill me. Obviously, it didn't."

"Is it uncomfortable not having water?" I asked.

"Obviously, but it won't kill me. Like I said before, only committing suicide or having my body entirely destroyed will kill me."

He ate a spoonful of oatmeal and a calm look crossed his face. He seemed very satisfied to eat on his own. I suppose since he was twenty-four, being given back a bit of his independence would feel nice.

"Could you really-."

Kit interrupted me by leaping forward and covering my mouth with his hand. He kept his food from hitting the floor with his telekinesis and it looked odd to see it floating.

"To answer the question you were going to ask, yes I can." He said, "But I don't want those idiots trying to bother me about my powers more."

I nodded. He continued eating, occasionally glancing over at me, but otherwise remaining silent.

"You know I heard an apple a day keeps the doctor away," Kit said, studying a piece of his apple.

"That's a common saying," I said.

"I suppose it is true," he continued, "An apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough. Maybe it would work on BPD."

Kit gave me a crooked grin and cocked his head expectantly.

"Oh! That's an awful joke," I squeaked, failing to keep from laughing.

He smiled proudly, tilting his head up, "Then why are you laughing?"

"Shush," I said softly, moving to sit beside Kit and whispering, "Did you learn all this stuff by reading the minds of the doctors and nurses?"

He nodded, a proud, cocky grin on his lips. I sat silently for a little while, considering all the strange things that happened when I was around Kit.

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