Chapter 10: Jealousy; Experiment 2

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Holden let me out at the end of day three. Well...technically I was allowed to leave, but Kit didn't allow me to leave, so I ended up spending one final night with him. On day two, Holden had released a mutated King Cobra into the room and it had bit Kit twice before he could figure out a good way to kill it. He never showed any signs of the venom affecting him. On day three, Kit protected me from seven rat mutations that stood as tall as my hip. Holden released me at the beginning of day four and brought me and Kit back to Kit's original cell.

"Do you have any more of those rats? They were really fun!" Kit said, propping himself up on the table where he had once been restrained.

"Please don't," I said, shuddering at the memory of those long teeth and red eyes.

"The scientists have concluded that keeping you employed and working with Kit is for the best," Holden said, "Kit, whether he understands it or not, is attached to you and is on his best behavior around you, however much that behavior is also lacking."

"You sent monsters into our cell! What were you thinking?"

"It proved my point that Kit would protect you and take your verbally expressed feelings into account. Kit can't understand emotions, but he can choose to obey your requests. He's proven that much and it is useful knowledge in our efforts to understand Kit's unique psyche."

"I don't obey anybody," Kit said, glaring at Holden, "Kate obeys me and in return for her obedience, I do what any good god does and care for my devoted follower."

"Whatever you say," I sighed.

Kit gave me a surprisingly innocent grin that was way more unnerving than his crazy one, simply because it was too innocent for him. Especially after having seen him kill three creatures. I'm only grateful that they weren't human. I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice Kit moving around until I was yanked back onto his lap. He rested his chin on my shoulder and kept his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Kit's powers have been disabled since I am leaving the building," Holden said.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I can't give you too much information with Kit around. All I will say is that we are welcoming a new guest."

Holden locked us into Kit's cell and once we were alone, Kit started messing with my hands.

"I still haven't found a way to mess with this chip, so I can't unlock it," he whispered in my ear, pressing his thumb into my palm and then in between each knuckle.

"It's okay," I said, "After being locked in a cell with three terrifying mutant creatures, being locked up with one of you isn't nearly as bad."

"Even though I could kill you?"

"Even though you can, I don't think you would."

Kit made a noncommittal sound and laced his fingers with mine.

"What do you think about another possible supernatural being here?"

"If it comes near you, it dies."

"Kit, you can't just kill it."

"Why not?"

"Because it might not harm me."

"Doesn't matter. You're mine."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You are my property. You aren't allowed near anyone else that could injure you."

"You can't make that decision for me."

"I just did."

I turned around to look at Kit, "Seems like you're feeling sassy today."

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