The freak and his cheerleader, R.H

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A/N: I needed some practice, so I thought why not write this in first person. Request: Can you do Rodrick x reader who is like Eddie Munson from stranger things.

To say Rodrick and I were an unlikely pair was an understatement. But what can I say, opposites attract and me and him are very opposite. He was the loud, trouble making drug dealing drummer who stayed back. And I was the friendly social head cheerleader. And as if the clash of our personalities and interests weren't confusing enough, there was our appearances.

Rodrick loved to wear dark, simple things while still adding his own spin on them. Like when he cut up his dad's old jean jacket and painted the Löded Diper logo and name on the back. Me, on the other hand, I can't get enough of bright colors, short skirts and my cheerleading uniform. Although Rodrick was strongly against any and everything that represented our school, he made an exception for my uniform. And, of course, for me.

"Do you really have to drag us to every one of these things?" Chris complained as Rodrick led him and Ben up the bleachers.

"Seriously, Rodrick, I really don't think she'll mind if it's just you in the crowd." Ben agrees.

"Come on, guys, she's always at our shows. Just smile and cheer her on."

"Fine." The two put it to a rest.

Confused and bored, the three boys watched the game with absolutely no knowledge of whether our school was winning or not. Rodrick had no idea what the score was, nor did he care. He only really came to see me perform.

"There she is." He pointed to me, smiling, as I led our school's cheer team.

As we perform, I can hear him screaming my name. Praising me and my moves, as if he hadn't seen me practice them for weeks on end.

Although a small part of me understands people's perplexity with me and Rodrick. A bigger part sorta liked the differences. With Rodrick being someone who was "weird" and okay with it, it brought out a different side of me. One I only showed to him.

"Do you maybe wanna talk about it ?" Rodrick's small suggestion was all that was needed to set me off.

The past few days, hell weeks, had been rough. Everyone was always expecting something from me. If it wasn't my teammates, it was my teachers. If it was my teachers, it was parents. Usually I could stay on top of things to keep a healthy balance to make everyone and untimely myself happy. But sometimes I slip and when I slip I just start falling. And suddenly everyone was convinced that I only make mistakes and excuses. I tried to explain, but I know they didn't want to listen to my troubles. So I just didn't tell them. Sometimes it really does feel like Rodrick is the only person who I can complain to.

"Math sucks for everybody, okay, It's not just you."

"I know it's just he wants me to take it when I have cheer practice. But I was already sick and missed the last one, and I tried to tell him, but he said I take it then, or I don't take it at all." I complain, frustrated.

Climbing onto Rodrick's bed, I bury my face into his pillow. Rodrick is quick to join me. Laying on his side beside me, he pressed a kiss to the back of my head.

"How about we just sleep it off for now." He whispers against my head. "Then we can study and practice your cheers, okay?"

A bit more calm, I agreed with Rodrick. "Okay." I said, lifting my head slightly from his pillow.

Rodrick didn't put me on a pedestal the way other people did. And I didn't put him down the way everyone else did, either. I think that's what makes us work so good. Sure, Rodrick would always be a freak to some, and I'd always be a golden girl. But when it's just me and him, we were just each other.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this." Rodrick told me as he took his blunt from my fingers.

I looked at him with a curious expression as I blew the smoke to the side.

"Get used to what?"

"You." He took a deep inhale from the blunt, holding the heavy smoke in his lungs before releasing it. "This."

My curious expression stayed, and Rodrick tilted his head slightly.

"I don't get it." I admitted and he smiled before laughing.

Setting the blunt aside, he pulled me into his arms.

"I mean you and me." He clarified. "I don't think I'll get used to the queen b of our school smoking with me or being my girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes at the title "queen b". I hated it.

"I hate when you call me that." I told him pulling away only to be pulled back to my boyfriend's body.

"Yea I know. I know." Rodrick plants his face in the crook of my neck. "I mean, I don't know, I guess it's just like weird you're dating me and not some muscle for brains athlete."

"You're only saying that because I'm a cheerleader. That's such a boring clique."

"And what the popular girl and the weirdo in the band isn't?"

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