Makeup sex, 🍋 R.H

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You weren't sure why you thought dating Rodrick was going to be easy, but you were surely mistaken. All you wanted to do the summer after your graduation was be with your boyfriend, and instead he rather flirts with Heather Hills at the Country Club. Which truly you had no idea how he got into.

"Can you at least let me explain." Rodrick called after you to slow down, but still you continue your angry walk. "Listen to me, I know what it looked like, but I can explain."

"There's nothing to explain." You yelled, not bothering to stop or face him. "I can't believe after all this time you're still obsessed with Heather." You hissed.

Still angry, you stepped up the three stairs to your front door and quickly brought out your house key to unlock the door before Rodrick could catch up. And of course, in this moment of frustration, your fingers fumble the keys, and they fall. Not giving yourself a moment to calm down and aware that Rodrick was catching up immediately you go to pick them up. Trying to open the door again, you struggle to get the key into the hole and of course they drop again. And again you go to pick them up and so does Rodrick. He swipes them before you can, steps back with them in his hand.

"Listen." He breathes, taking a moment to catch his breath. "To me."

You cross your arms and give him a mean look.

"I know it looks bad, but it's not what you think. Okay, just let's go to your room and talk."

"I don't feel like talking to you right now." You're quick to say, grabbing at the keys, before Rodrick pulls back and dodges your attempt.

He sighs.

"I know, but just let me explain, and I promise this will make sense."

After a moment of trying to wait him out, you gave in and you and Rodrick went upstairs to let him explain. You were still upset, but ultimately Rodrick was your boyfriend and if he had a good explanation, there would be no reason to change that.

"So were you flirting with a girl that's NOT your girlfriend?" You told him sitting on your bed.

"Okay, so you know how Greg has a crush on Holly." He starts, and already you were searching for a connection. Maybe they wanted to double-date ? "But I had a crush on Heather right, but we both know how what ended."

"Yea, everyone who went to Heather's birthday know how that ended." You shrug and Rodrick narrows his eyes at the comment, but decided to ignore it.

"So because of that, Heather doesn't want Holly hanging out with Greg." Rodrick says as if he doesn't understand her logic.

"I don't blame her." You say to yourself.

"So as a favor to my dear little brother, I did the dirty work and kept heather busy." Rodrick finishes, giving you a nod a smile, thinking he just did an amazing job.

"That's so stupid." You told him honestly and his smile drops.

"How else was I supposed to distract her."

"I don't know, fake drown in the pool." You told, throwing your hands up, still irritated by the whole situation.

Sitting beside you on your bed, Rodrick gave you a moment to calm down, understating that this wasn't something you could just be okay with instantly. Even with a good, somewhat good explanation. Instinctively you leaned your head onto his and Rodrick wrapped an arm over your shoulder. Whispering a small "I'm sorry." into your hair. The moment passes, and you take your head off of Rodrick's to look at him.

His arm slides off your shoulder, but Rodrick keeps his hands gently on the back of the back of your neck. You look into the deep brown of each other's eyes, and Rodrick's thumb strokes your skin. At first, neither of you could tell that your heads were coming closer. But when your attention started to flicker back and forth from each other's eyes and each other's lips, you both decided it was best to just embrace it.

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