Disguised to Ourselves

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We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves.

— Francois De La Rochefoucault

Alya confronts Ben about what happened to Kim, unaware of another truth right behind her.


            Marie Mendeleiev was intimately familiar with the concept of migraines. More or less because she encountered one every day. First, there was that buffoon of a principal who couldn't see a bold-faced lie even if it bit him in the tail. Then there was that impossibly misguided co-worker Caline Bustier. Followed by her insistence on coddling the troublemakers to the point her supposed best students can't take it anymore. Had she known the woman would have blurted out Marinette's transfer to the whole class, she would have stepped in sooner to stop them. Maybe even spare the poor girl the torment they put her through.

Perhaps, she mused, this was her punishment for not doing enough. She was thankful, then, for two of her students staying after school today. All to help clean the science lab.

"Is this where they're kept, Ma'am?" Ben asked. Beside him, Marc was finishing cleaning the glass beakers. Marc had missed the bus to get home, at which Ben kindly offered him a ride. While shy at first, Marc was immensely grateful for the offer. One phone call home later and Marc was allowed to stay until Ben's brother came. Perhaps, despite the earlier despair, there was still some good left.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Becerril," the tired teacher replied. "Mr. Anciel, you're using the wrong detergent." Marc stiffened and stammered nervously. Miss Mendeleiev was about to rise and come over to show him the correct one. But Ben hurried over to him first.

"I got it, Miss Mendeleiev!" Ben called.

"... I see, thank you, Mr. Becerril," Miss Mendeleiev called back. Withholding a sigh, she sat back in her seat at her desk. Her eyes were trained on the new transfer student helping out the introverted writer.

It was no secret in the class that Marc's friendship with Nathaniel was on the rocks. Especially after that completely preventable incident where the entire class accosted Marinette in her own home. Marc was angry, naturally. Even when Nathaniel tried to explain himself and his innocence. Given his silence on the situation, Miss Mendeleiev was inclined to join Marc in his skepticism. Heck, it could be considered a miracle then that Marc was even willing to be at the same lunch table.

By some miracle, Marc's friendship with Nathaniel was on the road to being repaired. Perhaps, Miss Mendeleiev mused, it had to do with the new transfer student who was stuck with Bustier. Didn't Ben say she was his girlfriend? A strong girl she was, the teacher had observed. A strong girl who was completely and totally unfazed by Alya's headstrong personality.

As much as she hated to admit it, it gave the worn teacher hope.

"... it goes like this, or else you'll scratch the glass," she heard Ben instruct to Marc.

"Th-thank you," Marc said. "You really didn't have to help."

Ben smiled. "I like to." Miss Mendeleiev stifled back a chuckle. "It feels nice helping people, you know?" He wore that bright and sunny smile that had instantly won everyone's hearts on his first day here. "I've got two hands. I better use them for something." At that, Marc had laughed. And, Miss Mendeleiev was loathe to admit, it got a chuckle out of her too. "Any progress on that new short story?" Marc's shy face lit up like a candle in a dark room. Vibrant and full of energy. Much unlike how he had been before. Miss Mendeleieve couldn't help but smile.

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