The More I See

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The more I see, the less I know for sure.

— John Lennon


Marinette puts her foot down on an intrusive presence in her life.


            "Thanks again, Ms. Diamandis," Marinette said to her teacher, walking hand-in-hand with Luka while they left St. Catherine's. Ms. Diamandis followed, her smile wide and full of warmth despite the December chill. Marinette couldn't help but smile in turn.

"It's not a problem, Miss Dupain-Cheng," the teacher said. "I'm just glad you could make it." She flipped through some papers in a folder and handed them to Marinette. "Now while I understand your current situation isn't conventional, I still expect these to be done by the deadline." Marinette nodded while Ms. Diamandis gave her the run-down of what to expect. "Am I clear?"

"Crystal clear, ma'am," Marinette chirped. "Is there anything else I need to do?"

Ms. Diamandis checked her planner. "Thus far, unless there's a good reason the assignment can't be turned in on time, there is nothing else."

"Okay," Marinette chirped again. "Thank you!"

"Any time," Ms. Diamandis said, waving bye to the two teenagers.

Although it was still the first week of December, the day was abnormally bright and sunny. Akumatization rates had gone down, she hadn't been bothered by her old class save for Alya, and she hadn't even heard a peep from her longtime nemesis. This much good fortune would have made anyone suspicious. And, in Marinette's case, it was there. But after the chaos of the trial and transferring out of Dupont, it was an enormous relief. And who was she to look a gift horse in the mouth?

"Your teacher has a weird song," Luka said. Marinette looked up. "But I don't mind. It's helped you a lot." She smiled.

"Yeah, she kinda surprised me there," Marinette admitted. Especially that first day when she met her new homeroom teacher. "Did you get the enrollment papers?" Luka grinned, proudly producing two of them.

"Jules is going to be so psyched to come here," he said. Upon hearing there were programs for musically-inclined students, Luka seized the chance to grab them. There was no way he wasn't going to come. By the looks of it, Juleka was also interested in attending if only for the music.

"I can't wait!" Marinette cheered, verging on a wiggle dance. She twirled. "Oh, Luka, this is so exciting!" She danced around in sheer bliss while they went to the bus stop. "An entire school dedicated to the arts! Look, they even have fashion!" Marinette excitedly pointed to one of the courses dedicated to fashion history. Luka smiled in amusement. "Do you think they have sewing classes or something? Oh, what about costume jewelry? I can make some of those—"

Marinette rambled on and on. Luka would later tell Juleka that after he got home he barely understood a word she was saying. Out of consideration for the girl beside him, he kept quiet. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Marinette was shining again. So brightly he thought he was looking at a diamond. Or rather, listening to a siren song that lulled him into a happy dreamland. Whichever description worked.

Soon, they arrived at the bus stop. Marinette was still going on about ideas for fashion she could do. Luka was mulling over some melodies he could go over with Juleka. Perhaps they could collaborate? Make an album of their own? Oh, right. They'd need a band for that. Not to mention, he and Juleka were more into guitars than anything else. The rest of Kitty Section was still on probation. And given how they seemed to be developing different interests, it would be difficult to pull off.

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