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— I Didn't Know It Would Have To Happen This Soon —

I come downstairs to a glorious breakfast. The smells are wonderful.

"Wow, what's this?" I ask.

"There's French toast, pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs," Monica says as she fixes her own plate.

Jenna is already seated at the table and I grab my plate. I pile one of everything on it and take a seat.

"So, Jack," Jenna says. "There is a movie playing that I really want to see, and I was wondering if you wanted to go too? Mom and dad said they'll drop us off on the way to their reservation."

"That would be nice. What movie?" I ask.

"It's called Megan."

"Ooh is it scary?"

"Sure is. So you're in?"

"Yeah, but what about Jay?"

"Oh, he's hanging out with a friend."

Hm, Devin Anderson.

"Cool, so what time?" I ask.

"We will drop you off there by noon," Daniel says as he drinks his daily cup of coffee.

Noon rolls around and we are dropped off at the theater. Daniel and Monica wave goodbye, wearing some very nice outfits, after handing Jenna a large wad of cash.

We step inside the theater and I get a great whiff of buttered popcorn. We ask for tickets to see Megan and we get the best seats. This is the last showing so literally no one is here.

We buy popcorn, candy, and a drink each and walk into the theater room. As I thought, we are one of two groups in here.

I have two options.

I can stay and watch this movie. Or, I can scam the Reeds perfectly because no one is home. I contemplate my choices as the previews play. You know, I haven't gotten to spend much time with Jenna, so I guess I'll stay and watch the movie.

We walk out of the theater, both agreeing that the movie was average. It was definitely an interesting concept.

We walk outside to find our ride, Daniel and Monica, waiting by the sidewalk, still dressed in their fancy clothing.

"So, how was it?" Monica asks when we get in the car.

"It was average," Jenna says.

"Well, let's get home for dinner," Daniel says as the car starts moving.

We arrive home and we all get out of the car. I lead us to the door and open it.


Three people pop out from behind the counter and Daniel, Monica, and Jenna say it from behind me. Parks, Devin, and Jay.

Balloons are everywhere and there are many eating supplies spread out on the counter.

"Oh, shhiiii— ver me timbers," I say.

Everyone starts to sing happy birthday to me.

Damn it. I was hoping they wouldn't know. But how did they?

"Wait, did y'all actually go to a lunch?" I ask.

"Ha, nope, we tricked you," Monica says.

"Well, how did you know that my birthday was today?" I ask.

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