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— The Perfect Plan —

"So, how'd it go?" Daniel asks me when I walk in.

"Second place, baby!" I say, revealing my trophy.

Everyone cheers. Even made a friend.

I bite my tongue to avoid mentioning Jay's new friend.

"Hey, since we were all in here," Monica says. "I was wondering if y'all wanted to go down to my bakery today. And we can make cupcakes together. As a family. Including you, Jack."


Monica thinks that I'm family. I've never known what a true family was like, but this sure feels like it. This is what I would want to wake up to every morning. A caring family. I want to fall asleep knowing that I am loved by a group of people who provide care. I want to be a part of the Reeds.

I shake the thought away, determined to finish what I started.

"Sure, I would love that," I say. "I just need to go get ready first."

"Of course," Monica says. "We will be in the car."

I smile and nod then walk up the stairs. I listen as they all file outside. I change into more professional clothes for baking. Then, my flip phones buzzes in my pocket.

I pull it out and flick it open.

Rachel Simmons.

"What?" I ask.

"I need to know that you're in to stay for this mission Jack," she says. "I need you to do something for me. Find something expensive in that house. It can be anything. Give it to Gavin and he will bring it to me. That way I know I can trust you."

"You couldn't have picked a better time. They're all outside."

"I know. Remember, Gavin is there?" She delivers with sarcasm.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget?" I say back, using the exact same tone.

"Make it quick. They can't grow too suspicious."

"Ok, I got it. Bye."

I hang up and start to look around.

I need something small that can be moved quickly. I run down the stairs and through the living room, hoping to find something.

I leave empty handed into Monica and Daniel's room. I walk into their closet and search.

Bingo! Jewelry box.

I open Monica's jewelry box to find shiny pearls and diamonds all around. I drop my jaw.

I grab a pair of earring that seem like they are barely worn. I stick them into my pocket and dash out into the backyard. I approach the shed to see Gavin, who is waiting by staring at his military watch. He is clearly doing it as a joke, but it isn't funny in the slightest.

"Goodness, could you have taken any longer?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually, I could've," I say, disgusted by the look of him.

"Ok don't get too smart now. What did you get me?"

I hand him the earrings. He accepts them in his black, gloved hand. He stares at them with no expression.

"Seriously?" He asks. "This?"

"They're way more valuable then you think. Made with real gold. Everything in the house is."

"Yeah, we will just see what my mother thinks of this. Now off you go."

"Yes, I will do anything to leave your presence," I say, giving him the fakest smile possible then rolling my eyes.

I walk back into the house and quickly to the garage. The car is started and they're all waiting.

I pull open the door and get in.

"Sorry for the wait. I got way sweatier than I thought," I say.

"Oh it's ok," Monica says from the passenger seat.

As soon as I'm buckled Daniel, pulls out into the driveway, and then down to the road.

We drive on the familiar streets to the school, but then we take a left on a street I've never seen before. Larger buildings are off on the sides and many businesses line the blocks.

Daniel pulls the car into a little parking lot where a few buildings are connected. A sign hangs over the middle building that says, "Mon's Sweets & Treats."

We all exit the car and allow Monica to unlock the door to the bakery. We walk into the pitch black room. The smell of sugar and cinnamon tickles my nose and I smile. A lovely scented place.

Monica turns the lights and on and a large counter is revealed. Facing the door is a glass case, displaying all of the treats. Each one looks delicious.

There is an assortment from large, very intricate, cakes to basic pieces of bread.

Off to the left is a seating are with many booths and modern tables. Behind the counter is a door that leads into the kitchen.

"This way," Monica says, leading us into the kitchen.

"First things first, always wash your hands," she says. "Whether you're a banker, chef, or doctor, you always do that. Don't argue."

She smiles, attempting to sugar coat the hard truth.

"Yes ma'am," I reply, saluting to be funny. Everyone laughs, making me feel included.

"I guess we will each make a cupcake or two and we can take them home for dessert throughout the week," Monica says as she gets out ingredients.

She starts to show us how to prepare the cupcakes with proper technique. We all follow her directions, except the time where Jenna added extra icing. It was hilarious.

When we are done, Monica carries the case of cupcakes to the car. We all get in too and I can't think of a moment where I didn't smile in there.

"Thank you for this," I say on the ride home.

"No problem," Monica says. "We can bake anything in there, whenever you want. Here's the cool thing about my bakery. It is a trust system. Everything we own that's is valuable is placed in the back room, as well as the money we earn. No one takes from it because they all love their jobs. It just makes sense and it builds character."

Oh, so all the money is in one spot?

That should make things a lot easier.

"Hey, um Daniel," I say. "I got to live a day in the life as Monica, what about you? Can I visit the hospital?"

"Sadly, neurosurgery is for skilled professionals only, and they won't even let you sit in and watch. Although, I can teach you basic, proper sewing lessons. Of course for wounds, not clothing and stuff."

"That sounds great."

"I'll make sure to grab supplies from work tomorrow and bring them home. We can do it after school."

We arrive at home and I head straight to my room to call Mrs. Simmons.

"I've got the perfect plan. Tomorrow, after I bond with Daniel some more, I'm going to sneak to Monica's bakery at night and steal the money. Don't worry though, I'll replace it with the fake stuff. She will never notice. She's quite a fool. She actually told me all of the money is there."

"You better stay hidden. They can't grow suspicious."

"I know, I know. But they don't suspect a thing at this point. Even Jay. But, I do need Gavin there so he can deliver it to you. Can I have his number?"

"Hm, sure. I'll send it."

I hang up and my phone dings.

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