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"Donna Sheridan, in the flesh" Coryn squeals running into the living room of her house.  She had gone out for the role of young Donna Sheridan a few months ago, before Korbin had even started school, and she was due to get the call today, so naturally Cillian, Declan, Keelan along with Alicia and Flo wanted to be there to witness her receive her dream part despite the fact the actress wouldn't receive it because she was a average singer but had been taking voice lessons to try to improve.

"Oh my days" The two girls squeal, rushing up to embrace their friend. The two have witnessed first hand how Coryn had been getting little work lately, anything she did turning it down, not wanting to leave home for months for a small role she didn't wasn't fully invested in.

"Well done, darling" Cillian then too embraces the girl, she hugs him tight and holds on for as long as she can, Cillian Murphy was indeed, the best hugger ever. Like ever. "You'll be amazing" he says into her hair.  She gets congratulated by everyone else, but she can't help but feeling bad a certain man wasn't here to celebrate as-well.

did she get it ?

yeah, she's buzzing


Cory picks up her son from school later on that day, listening to ABBA on her way.  She pulls up at the school, in her normal spot and gets out to collect her boy. 

"Mama" Korbin yelps and runs into her arms, he loved school over the few months, but he did miss his mother dearly the few hours he was gone.

"Hey Korb" she kisses him on the head, taking his hand in hers, leaving the building.  She asks her son how his day was as they were walking to the car, he rants on and on about every little thing they did, and she enjoyed it while she could, because before she will know it, the answer to that question will just be 'fine'.

"Korb, wanna go to Decs's?" She looks into the mirror to see his little face smile and nod in agreement.  Mason and Coryn hadn't made much contact during the previous two months, only being civil when she'd bring Korbin to see him.  They missed each other, more then she thought she ever could, and although she beileved he was faithful Coryn still wanted him to learn how to be responsible, and he was sticking to it he hadn't gotten drunk since that night and he'd been actually turning up and tuning into training like he used to.

They pulled up into Declan's, she knew he'd be here.  Her heart started pumping faster as she let Korbin in the front door, wondering what she was going to say to him, or how awkward it would be with him, whether if he was her boyfriend or not.

"Daddy" Korbin shouts, piling onto Mason who was sprawled over the couch, obviously not expecting visitors.  He looked perfect, she thought, he was wearing his training clothes and his hair was untidy, tickling their son.  He straightened up a bit when she had fully revealed herself from behind the door. They smiled shyly at each other, and their eyes lingered on one another for a little too long.

"Ew, gross" Korbin said looking in-between his parents, making them snap out of their trance.

"Yeah, I agree Korb, get a room" Declan says waltzing into his living room, immediately lunging to pick up the five year old over his shoulder and start a fight with him.

She sits down on the sofa opposite Mason, and let herself relax. She had missed this, spending time together just the four of them, it was her favourite time.  "C'mon Uncle Dec,  just give up" Korbin teases his uncle, Declan laughs and picks him up, and runs out of the living room threatening to throw him out of the window, leaving the two lovers by themselves, for the first time in a long time.

"Congratulations, on getting the Mamma Mia job" Mason smiles over at her "I'm proud of you"

"Thanks, it's surreal" she replies, panicking because she doesn't know what to say to him. "He misses you, you know"

"Yeah, he asks me why I'm never home anymore" She hadn't known that, Korbin had never asked her that, only making subtle hints that he missed his father being at their home.  Suddenly she felt horrible, for being so selfish and just throwing him out, not thinking of what it could do to her baby.

"I miss you" she said, not looking at him.  She finally said what she had been longing to say since the day after he had left.

"I'm so sorry Coryn- I will be better, for him and you" He says, now sitting beside her, reaching for her hands with a hopeful glint in his brown eyes.

"It's okay" is all she says to him, now looking at him directly, with a look of nothing but love and lust.  He leans forward and pulls her into a hug, he pulls away and rests his forehead on hers.

"I love you" he whispers, he cuts her off with a kiss, a kiss that was long overdue for the two of them, it was needy and sloppy. "Does this mean I can come back home" he smirks, she smiles and nods, hearing little footsteps approaching them.

"Okay- now that is ew" Korbin says, watching his parents cuddle, they both laugh and open their arms inviting him to join.

"Wow, I see, I didn't get an invite" Declan frowns, not wasting time jumping across the three, careful not to crush the five year old under him.

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