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How's Ireland?

Yeah it's amazing
Are you coping without me?

Yes, it's peaceful


"What you thinking?" Mason asks showing his girlfriend two shirts, a black one and a white one.

"Umm, black, I know you'll spill something on the white one" Coryn comments while brushing her hair. They were getting themselves ready for dinner with Coryns family. While Coryn was putting Korbins shoes on, Mason hands her phone to her, seeing Jakes picture on her screen.

"What do you want" she answers the phone, struggling to keep Korbin still.

"Less of the 'tude Cor, I just wanted to let you know that Phil and Mags are here" Jake tells his cousin.

"Fuck off, are they actually" Coryn says. She wasn't too suprised once she thought about it, they have no shame in turning up when they're not invited.

"Oi, no swearing infront of him" Mason shouts from the other room.

"Yeah I know, don't worry they're sat down from ye, come quick" Jake tells them before hanging up.

"What's the matter?" Mason asks handing Coryn her handbag.

"Mags and Phil are there, dunno how they are but they are" Coryn tells him locking up the house.

"Oh for fuck sake" He comments, covering Korbins ears. Coryn agrees and the two drive the five minutes down the road to the local pub-restaurant.

"Da, look" Korbin says pointing at two sheep chilling in a patch of grass in front of the local Church.

"Is that normal?" Mason asks Coryn, who laughs and shakes her head.

"City boys"

"Nope, we're blues, aren't we Korb?" Mason says lifting his son up into his shoulders.

"Yap" Korbin giggles. The three head inside to be greeted by old friends of Coryn and her family.

"Look who it is" Caroline, her mothers best-friend says looking at her god daughter. She wraps her in a tight hug. "I've only seen you on the telly, I didn't know you grew up this much Cor" Caroline looks her up and down.

"I haven't had the heart to come back" Coryn tells her.

"Hello, Mason" Caroline greets the boy she met briefly at her best-friends funeral. "And you, must be Korbin" she says waving at the child. He waves back at the stranger.

"He's gorgeous" Caroline tells the parents. "You know who's here dont you?" The two nod and the older woman laughs.

"Jake called, I can't be bothered with the comments" Coryn whines, Caroline agrees and brings them to the table where her family are sat. She thanks her and then introduces Mason and Korbin to everyone they haven't met yet, leaving the infamous duo until last.

They sat at the end of the table, Mags, looking her usual self, red lipstick, black dress that is not designed for her age category and a glass of Merlot to go with it.  While Phil, just looking like a snob. Coryn approaches the couple with Korbin in her arms, giggling at something.

"Margaret, Phil" she smiles, knowing her aunt hated her full name.

"Coryn, how are you?" Mags stands up and gives her an awkward side hug.

"Brilliant" Coryn replies, there was a moment of silence before Mason breaks it.

"Hello, I'm Mason" he puts his hand out for the couple to shake, which they do so eyeing the boy up.

"Who's this?" Phil asks Coryn, knowing full well who the bubbly baby in his nieces arms is.

"Korbin" Mason answers, the couple wave at him, but he ignores them and continues playing with his mothers hair, which made his parents smirk. They sat down at their place beside Jake and his sister Saoirse, who fussed over Korbin, remembering what it's like to not have screaming toddlers just yet.

"That was well awkward" Coryn tells Jake, he laughs. The meal was spent talking about Coryn and Mason, mostly their lives and stories about Korbin, until Phil speaks up.

"So Coryn, how's the acting?" He sneers, trying to ask curios but failing dramatically.

"It's amazing, I'm sure you've seen I'm a main character in Peaky Blinders" the young actress smirks at her uncle.

"Ah yes, obviously not taking up much of your time though?" He replies.

The girl knows full well he means Korbin, but she decides to play dumb. "What do you mean by that?" 

"Just that, you had time to want a child" he replies. The whole table now quiet, listening to the awkward encounter.

"I didn't plan him, Phil, he was a suprise, but that doesn't mean I don't care and love him as much as I would a planned child" Coryn says, getting wound up by the audacity of her uncle.

"Of course, but you two knew what you were doing" he tested his nieces patience, Mason saw his girlfriend getting annoyed and tapped her thigh, telling her it's okay but she ignored him, refusing to be talked to like a piece of dirt by her uncle.

"Yes, yes we did but sure look I can afford it, I have enough money to last me a life time and I'm a month away from seventeen" she smiles at him.

"Well I think what he's trying to say is that, you two are very young to manage with a child and your lives ahead of you" Mags pipes in. Coryn, now sick of the comments she had gotten so much since her son was born the last thing she needed was them from family, she stands up. 

"Look, I'm not listening to this, just because you fell out with Mum doesn't mean you have to comment about My boyfriend, brother, sons or my life" she rummages through her handbag and pull out more then enough money to cover their dinner. "That should do it, oh and maybe buy yourself a new dress that fits Mag" She says while walking out, Mason and Korbin following in pursuit.

"Cor, you alright?" Mason asks her as she gets into his car.

"Yeah, I expected it, I was a bit dramatic but I can't deal with the comments about Korbin anymore, especially from them" Mason nods in agreement, he aswell having had enough of the comments about them not being able to handle their son.

The couple drive home in silence, the only sound of the radio playing and Coryns phone buzzing from texts from everyone. They tuck Korbin in and head to bed themselves.

"I see why Shea didn't like them" Mason says to her, she laughed and agreed.

"Not many people do Mase, my mother just got sick of it" She said turning off the beside light.

We've all got a Mags and Phil in the family haven't we ?

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