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Mason had been home for a few months now, he had been awarded Player of the Year at Vitesse, and is now started his season at Derby County, being at Vitesse really gave him a boost, like he wasn't following a stupid dream anymore, it was reality.  However, Coryn would argue that the fame, the awards, and the nights out have gotten to his head.

"Yeah, don't worry Mase, I'll wake up with our son on his first day of school" Coryn mutters  to herself whilst getting up and noticing that her boyfriend was sprawled across their bed, not breathing, and still in his jeans and polo from the night before.  She had felt him crawl into bed at around 3 that morning, but just pretend to be asleep, he had promised her before he went out that night that he'd be awake for the one of the most important day of their lives as parents, but no he failed to keep that promise.  Coryn wasn't the controlling type, however she was getting sick of Masons attitude and his drinking habits, as it was always her putting Coryn to bed, making the dinner, cleaning the house, doing the washing, driving into town in the early hours of the morning to pick up Mason and his drunk friends.

She went downstairs, put the kettle on and unlocked the door for Declan, who would undoubtedly make his entrance soon to say goodbye to his godson on his first day of Primary School.  

"Hey Mama" Korbin yawns, strolling into the living room, his teddy Cillian got him when he was born in hand and his Spider-man pyjamas all creased.  Korbin was just like his parents when it comes to sleeping, not even a rock concert would wake them when they were gone, so Coryn wondered why he was up so early.

"Why you awake so early Korb?" She questions him bending down to his level.

"I'm too excited, I can't sleep" He says while rubbing his eyes, she laughs at him and kisses him on the head, telling him to go into the living room and turn on the telly.  Coryn makes him a small cup of tea and a big cup for herself, whilst making up some pancakes for him.  Coryn was trying to shield Korbin from seeing his father vomit in the toilet in the mornings, or when he'd come home all drunk, she'd lock his door in fear of Mason waking him up.  She hears the front door open, followed with a scream from her son, most people would be alarmed but she knew it was only Declan frightening Korbin like he loves doing.

"Morning Sunshine" Declan greets her, with a toddler hanging out of his neck.  He noticed the small dark circles under her brown eyes and how unkept her hair looked, he had never seen her so worn out before.

"Hey" She smiles at him, handing her son his breakfast, and pouring a cup for Declan.

"What time did he come in this morning then?" He questions, he had also noticed a pattern emerging in Masons life, he too was worried for Mason but he was more worried for the woman stood in front of him.

"3, I think" She shakes her head, Declan mimicking the action.  She reaches over to the kitchen island to grab her phone that she hasn't been on since she turned off her alarm this morning.

4 missed calls from Cillian Murphy

8 text messages from Keelan

12 missed calls from Keelan

23 text messages from Alicia


Please tell me you saw this

5:00 am

Coryn ??

You awake ?

6:13 am

Ima bust his arsehole


7:49 am 

Ring me when you wake up

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