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I woke with my head leaned against the bench where Shelby and Taehyung sat up to sleep the night before. My head throbbed, still feeling full of water and picking up on several sounds around me.

Namjoon and Yoongi ripped apart the inside of the camper, tossing out the table, chairs, and cabinets to make more room for sleeping. Branches cracked outside as the others prepared a small fire to keep us warm and if I wasn't mistaken someone was fighting.

My legs were stiff from being bent to fit in the cramped space, Yoongi offering a hand as he urged me to get moving as everyone else had.

"You should let the sun dry your clothes the rest of the way. If not they'll mildew and you'll smell just as bad as the undead." He teased, flicking my ear as I passed him on my way out of the camper while I rubbed my eyes.

"Shutup prick." I mumbled, squinting against the glare of sun that sprayed through the trees, giving the impression of a brighter day.

Jimin's voice called out. "Again!" He sparred with Shelby to my left. There was a familiarity in the line of frustration above her eyebrows as she stood from where she'd fallen to her knee with his jab, resuming a stance that showed she was ready to attack.

I took a seat on the ground next to Taehyung, his hair fluffed out and frizzy. He was still as handsome as ever under the wiley mop.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, his eyes heavy and unrested.

"Everything's sore, especially my shoulder. Hell, it feels like there's a right hand there that's sore too." He lifted his arm to show me his uncovered forearm, absent of a hand and the skin scarred from the sloppy removal. "I'm wiggling my fingers at you." He laughed, tilting his head so that it fell against the tree that supported our backs.

I giggled at his ability to always remain goofy even at his worst. Shelby groaned a few feet over as Jimin wrapped an arm around her in a headlock and she tapped his arm as he instructed. "Stop getting distracted."

She pushed Jimin when he let her go, huffing in annoyance and diverting her attention from where she took a second to look at Taehyung and I.

To the other side Jin whined, thunking Jungkook on the top of the head with the small branch he'd dropped. "You too." Jin iterated, the pair heading from the edge of the trees into the clearing with firewood balanced on their shoulders.

"She's going to be great." Taehyung seemed lost in another world as he watched her, mouth slightly agape as he took in every move. She was doing well, picking up on some of Jimin's patterns though he never made training easy.

"Lets gather up." Every conversation and motion halted as Namjoon stepped down from the camper with Yoongi trailing behind. He held onto a few planks of wood, broken up cabinets that he threw in along with the pile of branches that'd been collected.

We sat in a circle around the small fire Jungkook sparked and fanned, small flames growing slowly to mask the area of the cold air.

"I think we should stay here to rest for a few days. It feels pretty secure for now and it's near water. Some of us can make a run to scavenge for food and clothes. The others will do some hunting and figure out where to go from here." Namjoon relayed, rubbing his hands together and holding his palms up to the fire.

I wondered if it'd be like this from now on, settling in the safest place until it wasn't then moving on and scouring for any scraps left behind by time.

Namjoon pulled a map from his back pocket, the pages thin and susceptible to tearing as he unfolded it to lay on the ground. He pointed to a spot that marked our general area based on the direction we traveled.

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