Absurd Apparel

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Shelby led me to a bathroom where I submerged myself into the tub, spreading soaps and scrubs that smelled of lavender over my skin until I was cleaner than I'd been in months. Shelby left a nightgown and underwear on the counter for me, the satin fabric soft against my body but like everything here, odd and out of place.

Shelby and Gideon's room was filled with vintage furniture and excessive drapery, but I was thankful to see a stack of books on the bedside table, one thing about Shelby that hadn't changed. She always read at least five at a time, often in the middle of several until we'd get together for a reading marathon, spending a full day lost in other worlds.

"So you and Gideon?" I shared my curiosity as she moved to the closet, tugging it open with a flair. When she turned back around she held a nearly floor-length dress against her body, the white top ruffled with long butterfly sleeves and a brown skirt that draped into soft pleats.

"Yeah, we've been through this entire thing together. He was the head of the theater department here and he kind of saved me in the beginning." She sat on the bed, patting the spot next to her and letting the dress she held pool onto the mattress. "He's really passionate, a dreamer. A few of us started to come together and he really took charge. He wanted to build a community and asked me to be a part of it with him. I know it may seem odd, but what we have here is working. Carolus is thriving."

Out of the two of us, Shelby always wanted love more, carrying a timeline in her head that after reaching her career goals, she'd settle down with a husband, someone who elevated her happiness into a higher plane.

It seemed like here she had all of that. She was still successful, maybe more now than ever as a leader in this place they built together and with Gideon by her side.

"And you're happy," I asked, "even with all the cosplay, renaissance shit?"

She laughed. "I am really happy, and the clothing thing is just there to give us all a sense of identity, belonging. Gideon is really into it and got a lot of pieces from his work before. You'll understand how it brings us all together tomorrow when I take you around town."

"How do you manage to keep it safe from the undead?" I questioned, stepping over to the window to pull back the thick curtain.

"The perimeter is constantly patrolled like you saw when you came in. Nothing gets in or out without us knowing, and we have a curfew to keep things quiet. We're working on building walls soon so that'll create some extra protection." She answered, standing and holding up the dress again. "I think you'll look great in this. We'll stop by Ester's tomorrow. She's the best seamstress we have and I'm sure she has more options we can look through to start to build your wardrobe."

I furrowed my brow, reaching out to touch the dress. "Do I have to?"

"Now you sound like me before all of this. Come on, you're the one who loves dresses. Plus, you'll fit in more in this." She smiled, another thing that was unchanged about her as she referenced the times I'd coaxed her into wearing a dress with me for a girl's night out.

I took the hanger reluctantly, Shelby clapping her hands together in the same way Jungkook did when he was excited. "Perfect, now I have everything I could ever want, all I was missing was you." She cooed. I envied her for a moment, wishing that getting to UNC, well to Carolus, had done the same for me.

"I'm glad I found you." I held onto her hand because as much as I wished for Jungkook and Taehyung, I could make finding Shelby safe and happy enough for now.

"Okay, you have to tell me about the men you came in here with. How did you meet? How long have you been together? Has there been anything romantic with any of them?" She fired away with questions. I was surprised she managed to hold out this long.

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